
Form validation and label placement not working on new CF5 forms

mmaack 21 Jul, 2014
I've created 2 new forms (the second form to make sure I didn't miss something the first time around) and I'm running into 2 problems.

First - I've selected the label placement to display the field label to the left. The label gets pushed to the top.

Second - I've set all my fields to be required. The form totally ignores the validation setting and I can submit the form regardless. There are no asterisks present on the required fields.

I've read the FAQ's, I've tried simple setup and advanced setup but with no success.

I can provide my form for review, but at this point, I'm totally stumped.


mmaack 22 Jul, 2014
Follow up...

{chronoforms5}my_form_name{/chronoforms5} did the trick.

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