
Registration - select group

karu 21 Jul, 2014
Hello😉 In registration form can i add new field, where user can select group?
For example: There will be 3 groups, which can be selected and user will be in this group after register, which was selected.
Can i do that?
GreyHead 23 Jul, 2014
Hi karu,

You can't use the CFv5 Joomla! Registration action to set a 'dynamic' User Group :-(

What you can do is to set a default group in the action e.g. Registered and then after the Registration action get the new User id and add the user to other groups using a Custom Code action.

karu 25 Jul, 2014
Ok, thanks😉
Max_admin 27 Jul, 2014

There is an indirect way to change the actions config in real time, using code, but you have to know the setting string id:

$form->actions_config[ACTION_ID]['new_usertype'] = array();

Add the code above to a "custom code" action BEFORE the Joomla registration, change ACTION_ID to the action's id blue number, and set your list of groups ids in the array!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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