
Some minor CSS styling problems i cannot seem to locate/fix

Dtorr1981 09 Jul, 2014
Hi All,

I would first like to say what a brilliant forum componant, i have tried some of the other and they are over complex for what i need. so well done.
I have a couple of minor questions:

Firstly, i am trying to change the cfu-row:hover property (When you hover over a forum from the board index) but while i can change the font colour, i cannot change the background colour event when using !Important. Have i perhaps found the incorrect class for this? My code is:
.chronoforums .cfu-row:hover{color:#222222 !Important; background-color: #7d7d7d !Important;}

Secondly, the buttons (Unanswered, New, Active) at the top of the forum appear spaced out rather than side by side as can be seen above. Im not sure where to correct this, as there does not apear to be any padding that i can find.

Once again thank you for a great component.
Best Regards
Max_admin 12 Jul, 2014
Hi Dona,

I can't tell the problem with CSS because it depends on your template styles, I suggest that you install the FireBug extension for FireFox and inspect the elements you need to change, you can find which styles are affecting the elements and test your CSS in real time, this helps greatly with CSS customization!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Dtorr1981 14 Jul, 2014
Hi Max, I have firebug installed and have managed to locate all of the other css classes that need updating? My template uses bootstrap, so i have managed to override all but this one class, as i cannot identify what it is called? Looking at the css it appears to be cfu-row, however when i implement code for the hover on the background-color it does not change. So im a little stumped with this one. As everything else has changed as intended.

I'll keep poking around, but i have spent quite a long time trying to resolve this. Its got to be somewhere.🙂

Max_admin 19 Jul, 2014
Hi Donna,

FireBug should help you with this, your CSS rule may need to be more specific, specify the full classes path, e.g:
.gbs3 .chronoforums .cfu-body .cfu-row:hover

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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