
Captcha image not showing!

regin 08 Jul, 2014
Cannot make the image show on the captcha.

Identical setup with the demo form, and saw this, but no 'Load Encoded Image' setting in the load captcha in v5.

Frustrated and helpless..

What to do?

GreyHead 08 Jul, 2014
Hi Regin,

This is probably a servers security setting that is blocking the image. The simplest solution may be to switch to one of the other Anti-Spam options.

regin 08 Jul, 2014
Hi Bob,

Hmm. Same issue with "Security question": It is just showing {chrono_security_question} where there ought to be a .. question.

I really, really dont want to use the Recaptcha feature. I can never read what the box says, and just want something simple, so back at the start again.

What to do?

GreyHead 09 Jul, 2014
Hi Regin,

Please take a Form Backup using the icon in the Forms Manager and post it here (as a zipped file) or PM or email it to me and I'll take a closer look.

regin 10 Jul, 2014
Thanks Bob - send you a PM.

GreyHead 10 Jul, 2014
Hi Regin,

The Captcha is displaying OK on my site when I restore the form you sent me.

I found the form on your site but as far as I can see there is no Captcha code at all in the HTML.

One potential problem is the dashes in the form name. I'm not sure if they are permitted characters in CFv5 or not (I know that underscores are OK and most other special characters are not).

regin 11 Jul, 2014
Hi Bob,

Used the same naming convention as shown in the demos, but changed to underscore and I still have same issue. Maybe it is a permission kind of thing?

Ill give it a few more days, the level of spam is getting more and more intense, and then Ill have to find another product.

GreyHead 12 Jul, 2014
Hi Regin,

This does sound like a problem with your servers settings somewhere :-( The HoneyPot trap might work to block the spam as that doesn't use an image. But then neither do the Security Questions . . .

Max_admin 12 Jul, 2014

Does the demo form display the captcha or not ? if it does then simply take a copy and edit it!

Please also make sure that you are testing the form using the "View form" link!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
regin 15 Jul, 2014

Yeah, not coming a solution closer either.. Im using rochen (standard) hosting, and I have no special tweaks or anything, so not sure why i will not display...

regin 15 Jul, 2014

This is the reponse from rochen:

No errors are being generated by this issue. You would need to speak with your developer for additional issues that might be causing this.
If you have any additional questions, please never hesitate to let me know.

Thank You.

Billy L.
Rochen Limited
Over and out, will try another product to see if that works. I did use Chronoforms on the same server about a week ago, and that worked, but that was V4. Perhaps...

Max_admin 16 Jul, 2014
If the captcha is working in the demo form then why wouldn't it work in your form ? there must be a misconfig some where, please post a screenshot for your form setup!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
regin 16 Jul, 2014
The Captcha is not working in the demo either. Im using the standard demo, just called it something else, but I have not changed anything in the settings.

I have not changed anything, but am guessing there is something with CF5, that .. i dont know.
Max_admin 18 Jul, 2014
And what about the "setup" tab ? I would like to check that!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
regin 21 Jul, 2014
Hi Max

Cant I just send you access to backend on pm?

Ive kinda given up, and am looking for another form system, but if you could see what is wrong before I find one, I would save a bunch of time. I just need the captcha. Spam is killing my clients mailbox.

Max_admin 23 Jul, 2014
Please do, send me the login using the "Contact us" page and add a link to this topic so I can remember the issue!

Also please note that the captcha problem may be caused by some server setting, the other anti spam actions have the same efficiency, you can use a "honeypot" check with JS check enabled, this will ensure that the form is submitted by humans who can't skip the fields validation, in my opinion this can be better than captcha in many situations!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
willp 24 Nov, 2014
Do you ever get the the root of this issue and i'm having the same problem with v5 - i just get the tag displayed on my forms :
willp 24 Nov, 2014
Actually, i just found something that worked for me. In the setup tab where you add in the load captcha and check captcha, click edit on the load and change the true fonts option to yes and save. Mine started working after that.
Max_admin 24 Nov, 2014
And the "load captcha" should be above the HTML action!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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