
How to style DB MultiRecord?

tempus 05 Jul, 2014
Hi all!

Please help to make some changes to style of the DB MultiRecord table when it is opened by similar link -

I just can't find proper css file or other file to make needed changes...

GreyHead 05 Jul, 2014
Hi tempus,

You can add the CSS you need using a Load CSS action in the form before the Show HTML action.

K2Joom 08 Jul, 2014
Hi All,

Just a follow on from this topic, as it is related.

When a front end table view is created, using the DB Multi record, it produces a table with an ID = db_multi_record_loader_XXX.

What I would like to so, is edit the table html to include a
class="table table-bordered"
so as to get the table styling from the template.
In addition, I would like to add some sort icons to the table headers to act as a visual aid to the user, so they know which column is sorted in which direction.

I have checked the Style Form and Show HTML but do not see a way to modify the table.
Can this be done inside the wizard or can you specify a file to modify.
I did look into modifying the layout and wanted to create a Joomla over ride of components/com_chronoforms/views/form but that does not look possible either.

Many thanks.
Max_admin 09 Jul, 2014
Hi Simon,

Just install ChronoConnectivity v5 and follow the CCv5 FAQs and you will have what you need.

Alternatively you may add the class attribute to the table using JS on page load inside a "load JS" action

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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