
Image resize action and orientation

emmexx 03 Jul, 2014
I used the image resize action to crop and resize images uploaded by users. I convinced myself that the action would keep the orientation of the original image with a smart use of the width and height defined in the parameters. I persuaded myself to the point that I wrote that in the user docs. :?
Now somebody pointed out that portrait images are cropped as landscape.

I checked the code of the action but not yet attentively. My question is: was I totally wrong about the intelligent behaviour of the action?
Is there some reason why the resize action doesn't keep the correct orientation? I know is just a matter of choice, I wondered if there's some CF glitch that is against keeping the orientation.

Thank you
GreyHead 03 Jul, 2014
Hi Maxx,

it's a while since I've used the action. it was originally written for CFv3 by a ChronoForms user. As far as I recall and from a quick look through the code now it doesn't do anything with the orientation at all :-(

It could probably be edited to do that though.

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