
DatePicker - list years

rcadmin 02 Jul, 2014
On my old site I have set up the datepicker to default to the following format.

I can't seem to work out how to do this in CF V5
GreyHead 02 Jul, 2014
Hi rcadmin,

As far as I can see you can't do that in CFv5. Max wrote his own datepicker for this release and there is less functionality than the third-party ones in previous versions. It might be simplest to use a plain Text input and link it to a third-party-jQuery datepicker that does what you need. Please see this FAQ which has an example of this.

RobP 25 Jul, 2014
Just found the reply editor.

if you put:
data-start_view = y

in the Extra params it works.

The data- should not be necessary, next update?

concept 30 Jul, 2014

I have the same problem.
I'm using Joomla 3.2 with Chronoforms V5 : I would like to have a view with Years.

In the Datepicker parameters, I put : data-start_view = y
In the Form page I have the code HTML with Firebug :
<input type="text" data-start_view="y" data-gdatetimepicker="1" data-tooltip="" data-load-state="" style="" title="" class="validate['required'] form-control A" placeholder="" data-gdatetimepicker-format="d-m-Y" value="" id="naissance" name="Naissance">
And the result is appera by Days :

I want to have a view by Years :

In this file gdatetimepicker.js, we don't see a code that uses start_view.

Thank you !!

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