Im trying to create a form, like this one. is the one I'm trying on:
And the thing is, when you press tab it doesn't go to the left but to the field under it, which is annoying how do I fix this?
http://prntscr.com/3xfqak This is my designer!
Hi supayoshi,
Well yes, that's because you have your form inputs set up in columns so you tab down each column. If you want to arrange them in rows please try the Multi-Field element in the Advanced Elements group on the Designer tab.
http://i.imgur.com/kFpwflg.png I get to see this, what do I do then?
Hi supayoshi,
You are still inside a Multi-Column action that you probably don't need. Does the form look OK in the front-end?
PS it's simpler if you attach images here
http://prntscr.com/3yowa4 nope same results as you can see🙂
What do you mean with I am using a multi column action?
http://prntscr.com/3yowvn I have also deleted the multi column field, and it still shows the same, on front end and backend. When I move the label positions to TOP.
Please help me? I am already busy for quite long on a simple contactform, I find RSForms more userfriendly but that stopped working for me.
Hi supayoshi,
If I use a Multi Field element from the Advanced Group and add three Text elements to it then it appears to work correctly.
Here's the admin view:
and the front-end.
http://prntscr.com/3yraf8 this is what yu select?
Hi supayoshi,
Yes, I added three text inputs, changed the labels to your text and set the Label Position to Over.
how do you set the position to over?? I can only set it to left or top
Hi supayoshi,
Sorry, I should have typed 'Top' - I was writing from memory :-(
That is so weird! Because whatever I try, they keep ending up aligned wrong!
Can you help me?
Hi supayoshi,
There may be a CSS problem somewhere. Please take a Form Backup using the icon in the Forms Manager and post it here (as a zipped file) or PM or email it to me and I'll take a closer look on my test site.
Noooo hahaha, I put it on top, but I did not save it! However if I put it on top it does not work😟 It does not show the way it shows for you?! :/ I am still having the same issue, with label position on Top as I described in my first post.
Hi supayoshi,
We've established that there isn't a problem with ChronoForms or with the form you are testing so I guess that leaves you to go and look at the template CSS. Maybe there is some interference there or there isn't enough space for the inputs to be placed side-by-side.