
On Submit, conditional response dependant on answers

dujonn 26 Jun, 2014
Hi all, hoping you can help, I need to have two 'Display Message' pages depending on the result of the aswers give in the form.

Basically its a prequalification form with the results either showing 'approved' or 'not approved' pages.

I have considered Event switcher, but not sure that really fits and my coding is still quiet weak.

Considered Validation but again struggled to fit the functions with my requirements.

Does anyone have any advise they could give i regards to what I am trying to achieve?

GreyHead 27 Jun, 2014
Hi dujonn,

You need some kind of Event Switcher to switch the form response depending on the data.

Which version of ChronoForms are you using?

dujonn 27 Jun, 2014
V5 with latest Joomla
dujonn 29 Jun, 2014
Excellent thanks!

My code ended up as:

if ( $form->data['Pets?'] == 'Yes' ){
return 'fail';
if ( $form->data['Credit?'] == 'Yes' ){
return 'fail';
return 'success';
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