
Validation doesn't work with fields with model id

zigzo 26 Jun, 2014
Hi, I found that the auto serverside validation doesn't work after I tried changing the fields to model_ID[field].
In the "not empty" parameter, I tried putting model_id[field] and {model_id.field}. Neither of them works...
Does the auto serverside validation support fields without model id only?
GreyHead 26 Jun, 2014
Hi zigzo,

I would expect it to be model_id.field without any brackets,

zigzo 27 Jun, 2014
Hi Bob,
model_id.field without any brackets doesn't work for me either. Anyway I changed it back to fields without model id again.
Max_admin 01 Jul, 2014
I have just tested this, field name "Model[text4]" and in the validation "not empty" box:
Model.text4:error message

it works fine!

Please note that if there is not error message set then it will be ignored!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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