
Error trying to install tcpdf component

chico_ 24 Jun, 2014
Hi to everybody.
I've dowloaded and installed successfully Chronoforms V5 (PHP Version : 5.3.27) .
I've also dowloaded TCPDF action for Chronoforms V5, but, trying to install it via Install Action , this error appears:
Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in /home/xxxx/public_html/mysite/administrator/components/com_chronoforms5/chronoforms/chronoforms.php on line 477

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance

Max_admin 27 Jun, 2014
Hi Chico,

Your PHP doesn't have the zip extension installed, this must be solved!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
chico_ 30 Jun, 2014
It works, thanks a lot.

hlarocque 08 Apr, 2015
I've seen the article explaining the installation of the TCPDF zip file. They talked about an "Install Action" icon from the Manager toolbar. The problem is that I can't see this icon. I use version 5 of Chronoform. Thank you !
Max_admin 09 Apr, 2015
Please make sure you have the latest v5 update installed, if you still don't have it then list what you have or post a screenshot.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
hlarocque 09 Apr, 2015
I've checked and discovered that, indeed, I did not have the latest update. I thought I would be noticed through component update for new versions. Is there something I need to activate to be noticed ?
By the way, once updated, I could see the new button and I installed successfully the TCPDF addon. I tested it and discovered that if I use it in the onsubmit event, I go directly to the PDF. Is there a way to trigger the PDF generation by clicking a link form the feedback screen instead ? Thank you !
Max_admin 09 Apr, 2015
The extension updater has only been added recently, and I think you had an old release.

You can point a link to a new form event (create a new event) and use the TCPDF action there, you may have to pass a record id and read the data first because the form data will not be available in that event.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
hlarocque 09 Apr, 2015
I already setup another event for the PDF generation. I can also retrieve all needed data from the session or if necessary directly from the database. But, I can't see how I can access this new event.

Globally, I have set a first form for a quiz that leads to an interpretation of the results (using even switcher). Then, if the user wants to have a more detailed report, he has to fill a second form to identify himself. This second form leads to the detailed web report. In this report, there is a link to generate the report in PDF if needed.

My problem is here. What would be the link to call the PDF generation event?
I use two separate forms: one for the quiz that leads eventually to the identification form. The PDF event is located in the second form. I have the onload event, the submit event and the pdf event.

Thank you for your help!
GreyHead 09 Apr, 2015
Hi hlarocque,

If you have an event called On pdf - then you can call it by putting &event=pdf in the URL.

You will also need to pass the data to this event. I think that using MultiPage actions will do that correctly.

hlarocque 13 Apr, 2015
Yesssss ! It's working perfectly ! Thank you !
hlarocque 13 Apr, 2015
One more question. Is there a way to include a CSS file or to use one already included for the PDF document ? That would be much cleaner than to insert css snippet of code.
Max_admin 13 Apr, 2015
I don't think this is possible, its just not supported by the TCPDF library.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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