
Mail & save before submit

Breakbeatz 22 Jun, 2014
Hi there,

I got some problems by using an multiform:
- On the first form-site I'll fill in my Data
- with the next-page-Button I'll save it to the DB an if choosen send a E Mail (works)
- on the third page there will just shown the formdata

On the last two pages I don't need to save anything, becaus its done on the first.
My problems are that the mails send twice after the first page and a second blanc form will saved after the second page.
Could you have an idea or have a look to my form if I'll give you an super admin account?

Thanks a lot!😶
GreyHead 22 Jun, 2014
Hi Breakbeatz,

It sounds as though you have your pages all submitting to the same event. You probably need to change the Show HTML actions so that they submit to different events.

Breakbeatz 22 Jun, 2014
Hi Bob,
I think I have to buy some coffee next time:-)
I got in every event an show html, is it wrong? I'd like to show you a screenshot, but I can't upload it here...?
Breakbeatz 22 Jun, 2014
Oh, I think I missunderstand...
on the first page (onload) I have an show html - Advanced - submission Event: Page 2, Page Number 1, on page 2 Advanced - submission Event: Page 3, Page Number 2, and on the last page (3) submission Event: submit, Page Number 3...
Is it possible to set the onload submission event to submit and a second one to Page number 2?
Breakbeatz 22 Jun, 2014
Now I tried different orderings of the events, sometimes I got a blanc DB entry, otherwise I got a double entry on my db...
Heres the screenshot of my last try, with the result:
After switch to page 2: one entry at the database and one mail
After switch to page 3: one blanc entry at db and the first mail again with the same input
After final submit (the last step): no new entry (correct) and no more mail (correct too)

The complete correct way will be:
First page: Fill in the input and choose if you want to submit a email, than save to db and go to page 2.
page 2: there you could choose to print an table with the input from page 1 and go to contract on the last page or leave the form
page 3: the contract to print and a last button to leave the form
Breakbeatz 23 Jun, 2014
Good morning (cet),
I treid to find my error by using the debugger, but I can't find it:
    [chronoform] => optiker-eyeknow
    [event] => submit
    [cf_sid] => 9ac37f37a2cb00dfc2169029840aa5d3
    [input_submit_111] => Speichern
    [finanz] => 
    [d94a2398df375dad9ef59890d7644980] => 1
    [redirect_url] =>
    [_FORM_FILES_] => Array

    [Formwahl] => Angebot
    [Datum] => 23.06.2014
    [Datum2] =>  23.06.2016
    [nachname] => debugggg
    [Vorname] => sss
    [Geburtsdatum] => 29.03.1976
    [str] => 
    [PLZ] => 
    [Ort] => 
    [Tel] => 
    [Mobil] => 
    [Mail] => 
    [input_select_2] => Erstbrille
    [input_select_3] => Erstbrille
    [input_select_4] => Erstbrille
    [rate24] => 
    [bar24] => 
    [geb24] => 
    [r_glas_1] => 0,00
    [r_glas_2] => 0,00
    [r_glas_3] => 0,00
    [l_glas_1] => 0,00
    [l_glas_2] => 0,00
    [l_glas_3] => 0,00
    [fassung_1] => 0,00
    [fassung_2] => 0,00
    [fassung_3] => 0,00
    [input_select_15] => Dienstleistung
    [dstlstg_1_1] => 0,00
    [dstlstg_1_2] => 0,00
    [dstlstg_1_3] => 0,00
    [input_select_19] => Dienstleistung
    [dstlstg_2_1] => 0,00
    [dstlstg_2_2] => 0,00
    [dstlstg_2_3] => 0,00
    [input_select_23] => Sonstiges
    [sonst1] => 0,00
    [sonst2] => 0,00
    [sonst3] => 0,00
    [Summe1] => 
    [Summe2] => 
    [Summe3] => 
    [rabatt_pro1] => 0,00
    [rabatt_pro2] => 0,00
    [rabatt_pro3] => 0,00
    [rabatt_euro1] => 
    [rabatt_euro2] => 
    [rabatt_euro3] => 
    [sonst_euro1] => 0,00
    [sonst_euro2] => 0,00
    [sonst_euro3] => 0,00
    [bar1] => 
    [bar2] => 
    [bar3] => 
    [geb1] => 
    [geb2] => 
    [geb3] => 
    [input_radio_5] => 
    [finanz2] => 
    [rate1] => 
    [rate2] => 
    [rate3] => 
    [mon] => 24
    [mailcheck2] => 
    [input_submit_64] => speichern & drucken
    [chronoform_data] => Array
            [cf_uid] => bcc3245c52b6ac1e911016d99ca51a3d
            [cf_created] => 2014-06-23 05:18:25
            [cf_created_by] => 880
            [cf_ipaddress] =>
            [cf_user_id] => 880
            [chronoform] => optiker-eyeknow
            [event] => Page2
            [cf_sid] => 9ac37f37a2cb00dfc2169029840aa5d3
            [cf_id] => 162

    [chronoform_data_cf_id] => 162

Validation Errors:


Debug Data

        Redirect URL:

I tried to redirect the user after the last step, this doesn't work :-(
Max_admin 26 Jun, 2014
Please test using the "View form" link in the forms manager.

Please try to add the debugger to the last page and make sure that it displays all the fields of all pages.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Breakbeatz 01 Jul, 2014
Hi Max, here are the complete data, but I think, they will be the same than in my last post:
    [option] => com_chronoforms
    [chronoform] => optiker-eyeknow-MAIL
    [event] => submit
    [cf_sid] => 9b8cb9a10b89b8d646bf1c6c3b31fb1b
    [finanz1] => Sie haben die 0%-Finanzierung über 24 Monate gewählt. Die monatliche Rate beträgt 27.75 €.
    [input_submit_111] => Speichern
    [finanz] => 1
    [047e5aba7acdb7ad2ab08efbba1895d6] => 1
    [redirect_url] =>
    [_FORM_FILES_] => Array

    [Formwahl] => Angebot
    [Datum] => 01.07.2014
    [Datum2] =>  01.07.2016
    [nachname] => Surname Input
    [Vorname] => First Name input
    [Geburtsdatum] => 12.12.12
    [str] => test
    [PLZ] => test
    [Ort] => test
    [Tel] => 12345
    [Mobil] => 67890
    [Mail] =>
    [input_select_2] => Erstbrille
    [input_select_3] => Erstbrille
    [input_select_4] => Erstbrille
    [rate24] => 27.75
    [bar24] => 666.00
    [geb24] => 66.60
    [r_glas_1] => 333
    [r_glas_2] => 444
    [r_glas_3] => 555
    [l_glas_1] => 222
    [l_glas_2] => 333
    [l_glas_3] => 444
    [fassung_1] => 111
    [fassung_2] => 222
    [fassung_3] => 333
    [input_select_15] => Dienstleistung
    [dstlstg_1_1] => 0,00
    [dstlstg_1_2] => 111
    [dstlstg_1_3] => 222
    [input_select_19] => Dienstleistung
    [dstlstg_2_1] => 0,00
    [dstlstg_2_2] => 0,00
    [dstlstg_2_3] => 0,00
    [input_select_23] => Sonstiges
    [sonst1] => 0,00
    [sonst2] => 0,00
    [sonst3] => 0,00
    [Summe1] => 666.00
    [Summe2] => 1110.00
    [Summe3] => 1554.00
    [rabatt_pro1] => 0,00
    [rabatt_pro2] => 0,00
    [rabatt_pro3] => 0,00
    [rabatt_euro1] => 0.00
    [rabatt_euro2] => 0.00
    [rabatt_euro3] => 0.00
    [sonst_euro1] => 0,00
    [sonst_euro2] => 0,00
    [sonst_euro3] => 0,00
    [bar1] => 666.00
    [bar2] => 1110.00
    [bar3] => 1554.00
    [geb1] => 66.60
    [geb2] => 111.00
    [geb3] => 155.40
    [input_radio_5] => Angebot 1
    [finanz2] => 
    [rate1] => 27.75
    [rate2] => 46.25
    [rate3] => 64.75
    [mon] => 24
    [mailcheck2] => 
    [mailcheck] => 1
    [input_submit_64] => speichern & drucken
    [chronoform_data] => Array
            [cf_uid] => de70d37c016b01e88b7470f1c304349f
            [cf_created] => 2014-07-01 10:53:24
            [cf_created_by] => 884
            [cf_ipaddress] =>
            [cf_user_id] => 884
            [option] => com_chronoforms
            [chronoform] => optiker-eyeknow-MAIL
            [event] => Page2
            [cf_sid] => 9b8cb9a10b89b8d646bf1c6c3b31fb1b
            [Formwahl] => Angebot
            [Datum] => 01.07.2014
            [Datum2] =>  01.07.2016
            [nachname] => Surname Input
            [Vorname] => First Name input
            [Geburtsdatum] => 12.12.12
            [str] => test
            [PLZ] => test
            [Ort] => test
            [Tel] => 12345
            [Mobil] => 67890
            [Mail] =>
            [input_select_2] => Erstbrille
            [input_select_3] => Erstbrille
            [input_select_4] => Erstbrille
            [rate24] => 27.75
            [bar24] => 666.00
            [geb24] => 66.60
            [r_glas_1] => 333
            [r_glas_2] => 444
            [r_glas_3] => 555
            [l_glas_1] => 222
            [l_glas_2] => 333
            [l_glas_3] => 444
            [fassung_1] => 111
            [fassung_2] => 222
            [fassung_3] => 333
            [input_select_15] => Dienstleistung
            [dstlstg_1_1] => 0,00
            [dstlstg_1_2] => 111
            [dstlstg_1_3] => 222
            [input_select_19] => Dienstleistung
            [dstlstg_2_1] => 0,00
            [dstlstg_2_2] => 0,00
            [dstlstg_2_3] => 0,00
            [input_select_23] => Sonstiges
            [sonst1] => 0,00
            [sonst2] => 0,00
            [sonst3] => 0,00
            [Summe1] => 666.00
            [Summe2] => 1110.00
            [Summe3] => 1554.00
            [rabatt_pro1] => 0,00
            [rabatt_pro2] => 0,00
            [rabatt_pro3] => 0,00
            [rabatt_euro1] => 0.00
            [rabatt_euro2] => 0.00
            [rabatt_euro3] => 0.00
            [sonst_euro1] => 0,00
            [sonst_euro2] => 0,00
            [sonst_euro3] => 0,00
            [bar1] => 666.00
            [bar2] => 1110.00
            [bar3] => 1554.00
            [geb1] => 66.60
            [geb2] => 111.00
            [geb3] => 155.40
            [input_radio_5] => Angebot 1
            [finanz2] => 
            [finanz] => 1
            [rate1] => 27.75
            [rate2] => 46.25
            [rate3] => 64.75
            [mon] => 24
            [mailcheck2] => 
            [mailcheck] => 1
            [input_submit_64] => speichern & drucken
            [047e5aba7acdb7ad2ab08efbba1895d6] => 1
            [cf_id] => 163

    [chronoform_data_cf_id] => 163
    [input_submit_65] => Vertrag erstellen

Validation Errors:


Debug Data

        Redirect URL:

Max_admin 02 Jul, 2014
You have "Session to data" actions, why do you need them ?

There must be a conflict some where, I suggest that you take a form copy and simplify your form, just the multi page, html and email actions, and test this, make sure that it works fine.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Breakbeatz 02 Jul, 2014
Hi Max,
I got this to make shure, that I get a blank form, when I choose a new one in my menu. Before I always had the last input in the form.
Max_admin 03 Jul, 2014
Sorry, I can't understand, its still not working in the simple form ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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