
Creating a Table

hayes121 19 Jun, 2014
Hi there, I have been trying to make a table for one of my forms, I have made two tables already without any problems but when i do the same steps and clickt save table i get the following error, Does anyone know what im doing wrong?
GreyHead 20 Jun, 2014
Hi hayes121,

The only possible problem I can see is the Primary Key `name` at the end, I'd suggest you try leaving the Primary Key as the default `cf_id`.

hayes121 23 Jun, 2014
Even after leaving the primary key to 'cf_id' i tstill get the same problem
GreyHead 23 Jun, 2014
Hi hayes121,

Then I would copy and paste the MySQL query into PHPMyAdmin to see if it succeeds there or if you get a more helpful error message.

Note: you need to replace #_ in the table name with the correct prefix in PHPMyAdmin.

hayes121 24 Jun, 2014
Thanks Bob! I got it to work, took a little while to get it through PHPMyAdmin but all sorted now!
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