
Missing template wrapper after upgrade

smayo 05 Jun, 2014
I've upgraded my site from J2.5 to J3.3 and installed J3 versions of Chronoform. My form now loads out-of-context with the template (RocketTheme Vermillion). Thus, it has none of the javascript or CSS needed for it to work. Can anyone give me a suggestion of where to start with troubleshooting? I've checked the database and the installation files but couldn't find any apparent problems. Now, I'm stumped.
GreyHead 05 Jun, 2014
Hi smayo,

I'm not clear what 'out of context ' means here?

If you have the RokZipper enabled please try disabling it as that has been known to break file loading.

smayo 05 Jun, 2014
Thanks Bob. By "out-of-context", I mean that the form displays without the template's CSS or javascript and without the other modules. Basically all I get is part of the form (without any formatting) and the site header.

I don't have RokZipper installed, and I don't think it's a conflict because when I paste the form code into a new Chronoform, it has the same problem (whereas, I can successfully build a new form from scratch). Apparently I've got something in the HTML that this new version (or maybe Joomla 3.3) doesn't like. Hopefully I can chase that down.

Thanks for all your support over the years!!!
GreyHead 06 Jun, 2014
Hi smayo,

If you are using a URL with &tmpl=component in it then it will behave like that. I can't think of any other causes right now. If you post or PM me a link I can take a quick look.

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