
Form sending on "Test form", but not on live site.

thump 05 Jun, 2014

I have this strange problem, just finished creating 2 forms and they work perfectly (thank you msg, email sent, etc.)

The URL for the "Test form" is:

And this on submit:

Everything perfect so far, but when I try it on the live site with any of these methods:

Article + plugin
Menu button[/list]

It just doesn't send the form, only reloads with this new address for example:

My form name doesn't have any spaces or special characters and I the Joomla SEO option turned on.

I can give access to anyone, just need their IP address, because the site can't go live for now and it's blocking all other traffic.

Please any help is welcome.
GreyHead 05 Jun, 2014
Hi thump,

The problem is with the SEO URLs that are preventing the form from submitting. Please check this FAQ

thump 05 Jun, 2014
Thank you Bob, but I found the Relative URL option and tried all this combinations and still can't get it to work like the "Test form" does:

Search Engine Friendly URLs: YES
Relative URL: NO
AJAX submit: NO

Search Engine Friendly URLs: YES
Relative URL: NO
AJAX submit: YES

Search Engine Friendly URLs: NO
Relative URL: NO
AJAX submit: NO

Search Engine Friendly URLs: NO
Relative URL: YES
AJAX submit: NO

None of them works, anything else I can try?

Thank you so much for your time.
Max_admin 05 Jun, 2014
The AJAX should not affect this, keep it as its, all you have to do is to switch OFF the "Relative URL"

You may also disable the website cache, which is most likely the source of the problem!

OR, use a menu item of type Chronoforms instead of displaying the form inside an article!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
jonstewart 04 Jul, 2014
I have a similar problem when I use it through a menu link the form won't submit. It works from the test form url, but not from the page from the menu link.

Test url page:
Menu link page:

I've already tried relative url, but it didn't make any difference and the cache was never on.

What to do?
GreyHead 04 Jul, 2014
Hi jonstewart,

Please try turning the Relative URL to No again and let me know when that is done.

jonstewart 04 Jul, 2014
Hi Bob,

In Setup, under HTML (render form), I've changed the relative url to "No".

If you could have a look at it that would be great.
jonstewart 04 Jul, 2014
I've changed the page to an article using the chronoform tag include, now it works. Selecting chronoform from the menu still doesn't work.
GreyHead 05 Jul, 2014
Hi thump,

The form still appear to be using an SEF action URL so that may be the explanation.

Max_admin 08 Jul, 2014

I have just tested the menu link form and the submit was fine!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
chronoben 19 Jul, 2014
Seemingly I was about to say "This problem still exists".
View Form from chronoforms page works OK but not from the created menu. Unfortunately the problem exists only on one form and I have multiple that work OK using the Chronoforms menu.

Solution: I found out I had another version of the form in a module that was hidden. Changing the template revealed the module and after trashing the module, my form was working fine. Especially since I felt it was not working due to some javascripting "not working" - meanwhile it was working fine - only problem was it was using the hidden form.

Hope anyone with a similar problem checks for this properly first - I totally forgot I had a hidden copy of the form on the same page (same IDs, elements etc).
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