Hello everybody,
I have been using ChronoForms for a while now without problem. Since one week, my csv file in not retaing the field name!
Nothing has changed in my form and before I got all the fields of it in the .csv file..
Any ideas?
Many many thanks
Hi davig,
Could you please explain how it doesn't retain the field name ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hello Max,
Thanks for your reply.
I use to export the data of my form by selecting the connected table and dowloading a backup of the records. In that file since one week there are no name. Moreover, I noticed that in the records, the field txt name, text family and country, even if I have filled them, they are empty! I have made several tests by filling the entire form in all the fields and it does not retain these informations. I hope it is more clear now...Thanks for your help
Hi davig,
Clearly something has changed. Please add a Debugger action to your form temporarily, submit it and copy and paste the debug output here.
Hi davig,
Since the records are not filled in with info in the table, then the CSV will not have the info!
Did you change the fields names in your form recently ? do they match the table fields names ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Thank you!
so, data array:
[chronoform] => frm_join2
[event] => submit
[name] => test
[txt_family] => testdavide
[txt_organization] => testdavide
[txt_abbreviation] => test
[Country_/_Pays_/_País] => 18
[txt_email] => d.grosso@imc-cim.org
[area_comments] => davide test
[txt_signature] => 1
[recaptcha_challenge_field] => 03AHJ_Vut29bIYRWaoRRS15tkPNl5LShaxjFHCJF0vXk3Gj1cNot_e3r1PuCBh0ljI2r973HqOu3O-2NBRYBl3EvWrVSljgOw7RX8t9vupwW-obJYJKz_tI4F8E1pMZq5l5oszP8e-IoNIQi6gvOIJ83MSkOz5EdnjtOCFkhhXC5HvqSR2z0ZxQwOrkoBweMQ5_CGepGoPPmieBWH78CQNVT0u3XBq5YrgpQ
[recaptcha_response_field] => cureson political
[button7] => Submit/Soumettre/Presentar
[frm_join2] =>
[ip_address] =>
[7] => Array
[Email] => Array
[0] => An email with the details below was sent successfully:
[1] => To:info@agenda21culture.net, mailto:s.gardner@australiacouncil.gov.au, cvallerand@cdc-ccd.org, peter@arterialnetwork.org, sarah.vieux@agenda21culture.net, advocate@cultureactioneurope.org, s.fischer@imc-cim.org
[2] => Subject:
[3] => From name:Form Join - Culture2015goal
[4] => From email:
[5] => CC:
[6] => BCC:
[7] => Reply name:
[8] => Reply email:
[9] => Attachments:
[10] => Body:
<tr><td>Comments:</td><td>davide test</td></tr>
<tr><td>Enter Code</td><td></td></tr>
Poster's IP address:
[8] => Array
[DB Save] => Array
[Queries] => Array
[0] => INSERT INTO `xs43h_chronoengine_chronoforms_datatable_frm_join2` (`txt_family`, `txt_organization`, `txt_abbreviation`, `txt_email`, `area_comments`, `txt_signature`, `button7`, `user_id`, `created`) values ('testdavide', 'testdavide', 'test', 'd.grosso@imc-cim.org', 'davide test', '1', 'Submit/Soumettre/Presentar', '0', '2014-06-06 13:33:00');
Many thanks
Hi davig,
You have this input name Country_/_Pays_/_País - you can't use / or special characters like í in input names. Please change this back to country or txt_country (whichever name was used in the database table).
It was like this since the beginning. However, I changed it and the file continue to not export Country (which is dropdown) and name field...
Hi davig,
And what is the column name in the database table for the name?
Yes!!! I understood! It is working now!
But, In the country, since the dropdown is like :
193 = Yemen
194 = Zambia
195 = Zimbabwe
In the csv it reports only the number and not the country name. Even here nothing has changed
That's expected, the saved value is the number, and so the number will be exported!
If you want the name then change it to:
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?