
Recovering Historical Form Date

Markbzim 28 May, 2014
A client inadvertently deleted a completed form received yesterday, I have tried a number of options incuding creating table and playing around with Chronoconnectivity but cant seem to retrieve this data.
is there a way this can be retrieved from my sql, core files?
Apologies if this has already been covered, cant seem to find a thread.
Many thanks,
Markbzim 28 May, 2014
Just realised I typed "date" iso "data" hope that makes sense?
Max_admin 28 May, 2014
Hi Mark,

If the form was not already setup to store data to a database table before this problem happened then there may be no way to retrieve the data using Chronoforms.

If the data was sent by email then they may check the deleted folder or the mail server logs to get the mail info.

Max, ChronoForms developer
ChronoMyAdmin: Database administration within Joomla, no phpMyAdmin needed.
ChronoMails simplifies Joomla email: newsletters, logging, and custom templates.
Markbzim 28 May, 2014
Cheers thanks Max,
Thought so. Lesson learned!
Appreciate as always the prompt assistance
Max_admin 28 May, 2014
No problems, but if you had emails setup then you should try to check the email logs, at least you can try to find the recipient email.

Max, ChronoForms developer
ChronoMyAdmin: Database administration within Joomla, no phpMyAdmin needed.
ChronoMails simplifies Joomla email: newsletters, logging, and custom templates.
GreyHead 29 May, 2014
Hi Mark,

As a safety precaution it is almost always worth creating a database table and adding a DB Save action to forms as an emergency backup.

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