
JS Validation bubble wrong place

Mushr00m 11 May, 2014
Hi !

I'm using select inputs in my form and need to customize them. SO basically with JS I change the select element in a UL. Everything works fine. But the JS Validation bubble (tips) goes on the top left of the screen and not on the right place. This is because my select element is display:none; I think. Do you have any suggestion ? Maybe the validation bubble search for specific class to know where to be place ?

Thanks !
GreyHead 11 May, 2014
Hi Mushr00m,

The best answer is to re-write your JavaScript so that it modifies the select drop-downs instead of hiding them,

Alternatively you can add your own validations in your JavaScript, There are some examples of this in the FAQs,.

Mushr00m 14 May, 2014
Hi !
It's a basic implementation "bootstrap like" by adding divs and display none the select. So I can make it look the way I want. Is there a way to modify the way the tips position is calculate ?

GreyHead 15 May, 2014
Hi Mushr00m,

Please check that the ChronoForms inputs are still in the correct location on the page.

Are you using a RocketTheme template? If so please turn off input formatting on the Template Advanced tab as this moves some elements off the page and gives the error you describe.

Mushr00m 15 May, 2014
No it's a custom template and a custom JS script that hide the select and create a div and a list with the options in it. I talked about bootstrap because it's kind of the same result as their dropdown menu.
So yes the element is still in the same place, but because the select is with the style display:none, the ChronoForm script can't find its position and put the bubble on the top left of the window, its calculation is base on the document and not the hidden select. If I just put the select as visibility:hidden it works.

But it's not a solution because by doing this, the select still take some place and berak my design. I just want to change some code of the JS that position the bubble to make it possible to calculate on the hidden select or a parent element that my JS create. Or event on the 'cfdiv_select' class that is always here.

GreyHead 15 May, 2014
Hi Mushr00m,

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

Mushr00m 15 May, 2014
Sorry it's on local developpment.

But if you want to test it, in any chronoform V4 just put a style display:none on a select and you'll see the validation bubble on the top left corner of the website.
GreyHead 15 May, 2014
Hi Mushr00m,

Your script needs to disable the select as well as hide it.That will disable the validation, Please see this FAQ

Mushr00m 15 May, 2014
Yes but if I disable it I'll not have the validation bubble at all. My need is to keep it but place it well, even if the element is hidden. so maybe place it by it's parent container and not the whole window, that's why I think I should modify the code that calculate the position of the tip. Not completely disable it.
GreyHead 15 May, 2014
Hi Mushr00m,

I can’t imagine why you might want to validate a hidden input . . .

I hope you find a way to get that working,

Mushr00m 15 May, 2014
I think i wasn't clear about what I do ^^

You can see a similar implementation here :
My script Hide a select and create a div that contain the same options, etc. So it's possible via CSS to style it. Because you can't style properly a select input on all browser. Doing it with divs is a piece of cake.
So to do that (like in the plugin in the link), I need to hide the select and place a div instead with my scrypt. By doing that the Chronoform JS validation fails because it can't find the place of the select input that is hidden. But my user see the divs that mimic the select input.
GreyHead 16 May, 2014
Hi Mushr00m,

OK - that helps. I think that you can do it by adding to the JavaScript after you call the fancy drop-down
(a) to disable the existing drop-down so that will remove the misplaced message, and
(b) to add the corresponding validation to the new drop-down. The FAQ I linked to has the code to do that in CFV4.

Mushr00m 16 May, 2014
Thanks, I'll have a look at it !
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