
Blank page in BE after adding a Element in Designer

vananderen 05 May, 2014

I get an emty Page after adding the 11th element in the designer...?! Edit is not possible->emty page, Browsing is possible-> Form ist displayed fine....?!

After restoring the Form edit could be startet fine, but not saved-> same issue as before. Demoforms always could be edited.

Any advise?

Greetz, Marcus
Max_admin 06 May, 2014
Hi Marcus,

Did you change any settings under the "Settings" section in the Chronoforms admin home page ?

The problem happens when you click the form's name in the forms manager to edit it OR when you try to save the form ?

If its problem #1 then please go to the "Settings" section and change the "Safe loading count" under "Wizard" to 10

Max, ChronoForms developer
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vananderen 07 May, 2014
Hi Max!

Great, you´re right! It was problem #1 ;-)
thx a lot!

Greetz, Marcus
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