
DB Record Loader not working with SEF URL's turned on

korweb 01 May, 2014

I'm trying to add the ability to edit existing records using DB Record Loader. If I have SEF URL's turned off:


The record gets loaded correctly.

However, when I turn SEF URL's on:


I get a 404 error.

Is it possible to use DB Record Loader with SEF URLs?
korweb 01 May, 2014
I should point out the SEF URL without the parameter (order-form/eco-tm-edit) loads an emty form as expected so it seems to be the parameter that is causing the issue.
GreyHead 01 May, 2014
Hi korweb,

At a guess the problem is the &, try using ? instead as that is needed to start a query string.

isatyam 17 May, 2014

What is the structure of the edit URL in CF v5? I am trying index.php?option=com_chronoforms&chronoform=RegistrationForm&token=3
This gives me 404 error.

Max_admin 17 May, 2014
Normally you should copy the url of your form from the "View form" link in the forms manager, but in v5 the option should equal = com_chronoforms5

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
isatyam 17 May, 2014
Hi Max,

Changing the option parameter worked for me. But the link now loads the default form. I want it to show the entries corresponding to the "id". Can you suggest some tutorial which I can follow to achieve this?

Max_admin 17 May, 2014
This is v5, so you need a "db read" in the "on load" event, and you need to add this code to the conditions box:

return array("db_table_field" => $form->data("token")); //change the db field name, and keep your url param as "token"

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
isatyam 18 May, 2014
Hi Max,

Thanks a lot for your help. The problem was with the model name in the DB read.
You guys have done an awesome job here. I have recently started using ChronoForms and I found it extremely powerful. Although I must say there is need for more tutorials in the CF v5 section as the UI has changed a lot from v4. Currently I don't have the time to contribute but would love to be the part of such an effort in the near future. Do let me know how I can contribute to this project.

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