Is there any plans for an integration with CB in the future?
Hi paxx,
Which features ? currently you can configure your users profiles links to point to CB profile instead of the forums default profile!
But full integration is not planed, which CB features would you like to have ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Yes that was one of the things (I was blind could not find that option before).
One other thing I thought of were integration with CB forum if possible.
One other thing I thought of were integration with CB forum if possible.
I'm not sure I can understand this!!🙂
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Feel a little bit stupid here now.
It should be CB GroupJive forum, If you make a new group and select forum integration within groupjive it will show up in chronoforum as a new category and if users make a new topic within groupjive forum it will also appear in chronoforum.
Hi Pierre,
What's the "My Profile" ? you mean the default CF user profile ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Yes the button "My profile" which takes you to the CF user profile. Since I have a community website and all other user information and settings are done on the CB user profile page. I need to avoid that users update their location, avatar or any other info on more than one place. It's also a bit confusing for the users, I want the forum to be clean and stay a forum, the user management is done elsewhere.
So,what I would prefer is that the "My Profile"-button links to the CB user profile of the logged in user. The best would here to have a CB plugin to show the user activity on a forum tab, things like "Your favorites", "Your posts" etc. This is maybe more for the CB community to figure out...
What would be very nice is however that the Forum integration plugin (which works great with Kuena) so the users could manage their own settings like "CF Board preferences" from the CB profile page (not seen until you hit edit profile). If this cannot be achieved I rather hide the CF user profile all together from the users, they get the default preferences, and user information is managed through CB. What would be the best way to "hide"/disable the user profile?
Hope this clarifies a little what I want to achieve.
Kind Regards
Hi Pierre,
I will set the "My Profile" to point to the global profile, I will also add a setting to turn off the core profiles if enabled.
Please send me a message using the "Contact us" page to get the updated files!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?