data['dbdata']['field1'];JS(fail)a=$('dbdata[field1]'); always return null(?)😲 Is it posible pass variables from php enviroment to JavaScript enviroment, to use them?"> JS issue with model variables from DB read - Forums


JS issue with model variables from DB read

teldrive 16 Apr, 2014
I apreciate If someone can help , I have detected that when you have fields in your form, created or received from CC list
you can locate in JavaScript without problems


but when I read DB fields with model, for example "dbdata" i can see these arrays using debugging form tool and use them with PHP but not with JavaScript


a=$('dbdata[field1]'); always return null(?)😲

Is it posible pass variables from php enviroment to JavaScript enviroment, to use them?
GreyHead 17 Apr, 2014
Hi teldrive,

One of the problems is that [] aren't allowed in input ids (they are OK in names). JavaScript can only access data that is available in the browser and I'm not clear if your data is there. You could add it to hidden inputs in the form or just declare some JS variables in a Custom code action:
$doc = JFactory::getDocument();
$script = "
var dbdata = {
  'field1': '{$form->data['dbdata']['field1']}',
  'field2': '{$form->data['dbdata']['field2']}'
teldrive 21 Apr, 2014
Thanks, I could finally understand the difference between JavaScript that is executed on my browser and php that is executed on hosting

this code didn't work to me i don't know why, anyway I found a workaround

in JavaScript code i can call the "remote" php variables using
a="<?php echo $form->data['dbbase']['field1']; ?>";
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