
Signature pad.

conadleofficine 13 Apr, 2014
Hello, I wanted to ask how do I solve a problem with "signature pad" since I entered it by following the guide below: form-signed.html

unfortunately I do not see anything.
Debugging Chrome tells me Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function.
GreyHead 13 Apr, 2014
Hi conadleofficine,

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

GreyHead 13 Apr, 2014
Hi conadleofficine,

It looks as though the problem is with the line
It may be that is being called before jQuery is loaded, you could try removing it as there is another identical command being loaded from Joomla! as far as I can see.

If that doesn't fix it then the problem is most likely that the code here is being run before jQuery is loaded by Joomla!

klaasvaak 15 Jul, 2014
Hello Greyhead

My problem is that the signature is not in the email.

in my email template

i have

<h4>Saved image signature</h4>
<img src='<?php echo $form->data['oc_sig_url']; ?>' />

Any idea why the signature is not sended ?

GreyHead 16 Jul, 2014
Hi klaasvaak,

No, I've no idea. The code you've posted looks correct to me, assuming that the signature URL exists in the $form->data array. Please try adding a Debugger action to see if the value is being created correctly.

klaasvaak 17 Jul, 2014
Ok here's the data

Debug Data

Result An email has been SENT successfully from (extranet website) to
Naam service master: John Doe
Klant: test
Cliƫnt/ vestiging: test
Adres: test
Plaats: test
Worked hours 23
Werkzaamheden service merchandiser: erererer
Saved image signature

i dont see the image here

Submitted by 123.456.789.000
Attachments array ( )

Also in the email that i received there's no signature attached.

but when i look in the ftp server on the location

The signature is there
GreyHead 17 Jul, 2014
Hi klaasvaak,

Hard to say from the info here. The code in the FAQ *should* add the results to the form data array. If that's not happening then something is broken somewhere . . . :-(

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