Hello, I wanted to ask how do I solve a problem with "signature pad" since I entered it by following the guide below: http://www.chronoengine.com/faqs/3308-how-can-i-get-my- form-signed.html
unfortunately I do not see anything.
Debugging Chrome tells me Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function.
Hi conadleofficine,
Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.
I send you a private message!
Thank you! i solve my problem!
Hello Greyhead
My problem is that the signature is not in the email.
in my email template
i have
<h4>Saved image signature</h4>
<img src='<?php echo $form->data['oc_sig_url']; ?>' />
Any idea why the signature is not sended ?
Hi klaasvaak,
No, I've no idea. The code you've posted looks correct to me, assuming that the signature URL exists in the $form->data array. Please try adding a Debugger action to see if the value is being created correctly.
Ok here's the data
Debug Data
Result An email has been SENT successfully from (extranet website) example@example.com to example2@example.com
Naam service master: John Doe
Klant: test
Cliƫnt/ vestiging: test
Adres: test
Plaats: test
Worked hours 23
Werkzaamheden service merchandiser: erererer
Saved image signature
i dont see the image here
Submitted by 123.456.789.000
Attachments array ( )
Also in the email that i received there's no signature attached.
but when i look in the ftp server on the location
The signature is there
Hi klaasvaak,
Hard to say from the info here. The code in the FAQ *should* add the results to the form data array. If that's not happening then something is broken somewhere . . . :-(