
Javascript form help

jxsn 16 Jun, 2008
I am having trouble getting a form to work in side of joomla.
here is a working HTNL page

here it is when I try and get it to work in joomla with CF

Does any one have any suggestions. Since I am not to familiar with JavaScript I think that is what is screwing me up. I would be willing to pay for help just shoot me a quote if it will take some time.

Here is the code for the page.

{{>> code moved to attached file <<}}

jake [file name=Mortgage_Compare.txt size=11339][/file]
GreyHead 16 Jun, 2008
Hi Jake,

Took a look and my guess is that there's a java file. probably called dinkytown.jar that needs to be in the folder where your page is. I imagine that this came with the dinkytown package?

jxsn 16 Jun, 2008
Yeah that it's in the package. DO you know how would I get Chronoforms to reference it?
GreyHead 16 Jun, 2008
Hi Jake,

You shouldn't need to, provided that it's in a path that the browser can find it should locate and install it automatically.

As far as I can see the page looks OK apart from the obviously missing Java applet.

What folder is the applet in . . . perhaps you need to add a path?

GreyHead 16 Jun, 2008
Hi Jake,

Ok - so that isn't visible to the ChronoForms form, I think you need to add an absolute path to the applet name - possibly calc/dinkytown.jar though it's hard to tell with the SEF urls.

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