
access from backend

seppo 10 Apr, 2014

A kind of newbie question: How can I access the creted connectivity from backend?

I mean, if I recall correctly at some point J1.5 time or so (well early connectivity times anyway) the connectivity things were accesable from components menu. Like selecting components->MyConnectivityComponent

Now, we do have admin view in CC5, and it of course can be accessed through Components->Chronoconnectivity and then selecting the link "view connection" under admin view column. But if I didn't want to give certain backend user access to modify and possibly mess with the settings, but only to use the resulted connectivity, how to do it? Can I still put it to components menu as it was its own component? How to do that, I couldn't find that information anywhere.. maybe I recall wrong and it hasen't been ever possible..

Max_admin 20 Apr, 2014
Hi Seppo,

Unfortunately that may not be possible, but I'm not sure if there are some Joomla extensions which would allow you to add custom admin area menu items ? maybe you can use them to do this trick, Or you may of course use a frontend listing instead!

Max, ChronoForms developer
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