
generates the PDF with TCPDF BUT does NOT include the data.

paint27 06 Apr, 2014
I almost hate posting this but I'm at a loss...
I have 3 forums on my site,

One that is tabbed and 7 pages long, that emails and exports to a file as PDF with all data intact..
no issue..

The second just emails users and saves to a database.

The third is not tabbed just in line , emails the info fine , saves everything to the database, no issue.. generates the PDF with TCPDF BUT does NOT include the data.

only the last one has the bug. the following is the debugger out put. i have read over the other trouble shoots on the site and didn't see any issues like this, because it IS generating a PDF i'm not sure whats wrong and I'm leery of re-installing the whole plugin when the other 2 forms are working just fine. the action set up for the one that isn't working is identical to the one that is..

My only other note is that this forum that is not behaving with the PDF was also having issues with the Java contingencies, ( yes= this, no=that). I'm not sure if this is a related inline error..

Data Array: 
    [option] => com_chronoforms
    [tmpl] => component
    [chronoform] => Foster_Tabs-Copy
    [event] => submit
    [Itemid] => 
    [Date_select] => 2014-04-06
    [input_name_1] => John Smith
    [input_email_1] =>
    [Drivers_lic] => 
    [co_foster] => 
    [co_foster_email] => 
    [Cofoster_dl] => 
    [Street_Address] => 123 Hay st
    [City] => ponyville
    [State] => GA
    [Zip_code] => 90437
    [Home] => 123 456 7890
    [Work] => 
    [Cell] => 
    [Best_Time_To_Call] => Morning
    [Occupation] => Wonder Bolt
    [employment] => EUP Academy
    [CF_Occupation] => 
    [CF_employment] => 
    [why_foster_a_dog] => Flutter Shy said it was a good idea
    [foster1] => No
    [time1] => No
    [auth] => Yes
    [vet1] => Dr Shy
    [vet2] => 321 Green Meadow Dr
    [vet3] => Ponyville
    [vet4] => Alabama
    [zip1] => 90437
    [phonevet] => 321 654 0986
    [faxvet] => 
    [fence1] => Yes
    [fence2] => field fence
    [child1] => No
    [child3] => No
    [Pet1] => Tank, a Tortise
    [pet2] => 
    [pet3] => 
    [pet4] => 
    [pet5] => 
    [pets2] => Yes
    [alone] => 1-3 hours
    [alone2] => crate
    [move1] => No
    [home1] => House
    [home2] => Own
    [home3] => 1-5
    [home4] => I Own 
    [home5] => I Own My Home
    [vaca1] => Spike watched them at Twilights  house
    [away1] => No
    [euth1] => No
    [name01] => Rarity 
    [adress01] => 90 Gem Way 
    [city01] => Ponyville
    [state01] => Alabama
    [zip01] => 90437
    [Phone01] => 257 987 1578
    [EMail01] =>
    [Relationship01] => Friend
    [name02] => Pinkie Pie
    [Address02] => 567 Sweets Ave
    [City02] => Ponyville
    [State02] => Alabama
    [Zip02] => 90437
    [Phone02] => 268-678-2789
    [EMail02] =>
    [Relationship02] => Friend
    [add] => 
    [input_submit_82] => Submit
    [6cf5cb1e3b6e5181bf79b77f5d4717a8] => 1
    [chronoform_data] => Array
            [cf_uid] => bef18659ab701ac9d69f4a062d9855eb
            [cf_created] => 2014-04-06 10:26:28
            [cf_created_by] => 515
            [cf_ipaddress] =>
            [cf_user_id] => 515
            [option] => com_chronoforms
            [tmpl] => component
            [chronoform] => Foster_Tabs-Copy
            [event] => submit
            [Itemid] => 
            [Date_select] => 2014-04-06
            [input_name_1] => John Smith
            [input_email_1] =>
            [Drivers_lic] => 
            [co_foster] => 
            [co_foster_email] => 
            [Cofoster_dl] => 
            [Street_Address] => 123 Hay st
            [City] => ponyville
            [State] => GA
            [Zip_code] => 90437
            [Home] => 123 456 7890
            [Work] => 
            [Cell] => 
            [Best_Time_To_Call] => Morning
            [Occupation] => Wonder Bolt
            [employment] => EUP Academy
            [CF_Occupation] => 
            [CF_employment] => 
            [why_foster_a_dog] => Flutter Shy said it was a good idea
            [foster1] => No
            [time1] => No
            [auth] => Yes
            [vet1] => Dr Shy
            [vet2] => 321 Green Meadow Dr
            [vet3] => Ponyville
            [vet4] => Alabama
            [zip1] => 90437
            [phonevet] => 321 654 0986
            [faxvet] => 
            [fence1] => Yes
            [fence2] => field fence
            [child1] => No
            [child3] => No
            [Pet1] => Tank, a Tortise
            [pet2] => 
            [pet3] => 
            [pet4] => 
            [pet5] => 
            [pets2] => Yes
            [alone] => 1-3 hours
            [alone2] => crate
            [move1] => No
            [home1] => House
            [home2] => Own
            [home3] => 1-5
            [home4] => I Own 
            [home5] => I Own My Home
            [vaca1] => Spike watched them at Twilights  house
            [away1] => No
            [euth1] => No
            [name01] => Rarity 
            [adress01] => 90 Gem Way 
            [city01] => Ponyville
            [state01] => Alabama
            [zip01] => 90437
            [Phone01] => 257 987 1578
            [EMail01] =>
            [Relationship01] => Friend
            [name02] => Pinkie Pie
            [Address02] => 567 Sweets Ave
            [City02] => Ponyville
            [State02] => Alabama
            [Zip02] => 90437
            [Phone02] => 268-678-2789
            [EMail02] =>
            [Relationship02] => Friend
            [add] => 
            [input_submit_82] => Submit
            [6cf5cb1e3b6e5181bf79b77f5d4717a8] => 1
            [cf_id] => 16

    [chronoform_data_cf_id] => 16
Validation Errors: 
Debug Data
An email has been SENT successfully from (SLR Foster Application) to
Foster Application - Schnauzer Love Rescue, Inc.
A contract between the owners of the dog, Schnauzer Love Rescue, Inc., known herein as SLR, Inc. and the caretakers of the dog, known herein as foster home or foster family. 
The foster family fully understands that they are to act as a foster home for one or more of SLR, Inc.'s dogs while in the fosterer's care and in their home. The dogl will remain the property of SLR, Inc.. The dog will be surrendered to an officer of SLR, Inc. immediately on request.
The animal will be fed, watered and exercised appropriately. No prong or shock collars are to be used at anytime. The foster home will not be compensated for expenses incurred in the normal daily care of the animal. Expenditures incurred by the foster family other than emergency care and treatment require prior approval by the President or the Vice-President of SLR, Inc. The foster family will be held responsible for unapproved expenditures. Veterinary care will be provided by SLR, Inc. This includes vaccinations, heartworm testing and preventative monthly flea/tick preventative, altering and any prescription medications necessary for the dog.
The animal is to be adopted to its permanent home only under the supervision of an officer of SLR, Inc. and only to said pre-approved families. Adoptive families are to be contacted by the foster family as a courtesy to inquire about the animal at 30, 60 and 90 day intervals, however, adoptive families are to be accorded the utmost respect and privacy. All donations & adoption fees connected with the adoption of a dog will be sent directly to the designated SLR, Inc. Treasurer.
Questions or problems are to be directed to officers of SLR, Inc..
If there is a need to remove the dog from the foster home, the animal is to be given directly to a designated SLR, Inc. officer. The foster family accepts responsibility for any and all events that occur in connection with the fostering of a rescue animal.
The foster family agrees to release and indemnify any and all officers and members of SLR, Inc. from any and all claims, known and unknown, now or hereafter, arising in connection with the animal.
SLR, Inc. requires that the foster family have a crate available should its use be necessary. The foster family will evaluate the animal and prepare an evaluation form. This form will be kept with the adoption package as information for the new owners. A list of SLR, Inc's officers and other rescue contacts will be left with the foster family for reference. 

Select date	 2014-04-06
Your Name: (First -Last)	 John Smith
Your E-Mail:
Your Driver's License# (optional)	
Name of Co-Foster Applicant	
Co-Foster E-Mail:	
Co-Foster Driver's License# (optional)	
Street Address:	 123 Hay st
City:	 ponyville
State:	 GA
Zip code:	 90437
Phone Number With Area Code:
Home:	 123 456 7890
Best Time To Call?	 Morning
Your occupation:	 Wonder Bolt
Your place of employment:	 EUP Academy
Co-Foster Occupation :	
Co-Foster place of employment	
Why do you want to foster a dog?	 Flutter Shy said it was a good idea
Have you ever fostered a dog before?	 No
If so, which ones?	 {foster2}
Is there a limit to the length of time you can keep the dog until it is adopted?	 No
If so, how long can you keep the dog?	 {time2}
Why is there a limit?	 {time3}

Please list your current vet or a vet you have had in the past when you owed animals.
I authorize my vet and staff to speak to a representative of Schnauzer Love Rescue, Inc.	 Yes
Name of Vet used to care for personal and rescue dogs	 Dr Shy
Address:	 321 Green Meadow Dr
City:	 Ponyville
State:	 Alabama
Zip code:	 90437
Phone with area code:	 321 654 0986
Is your yard enclosed by a fence?	 Yes
If yes, what type of fence and are gates secured?	 field fence
If no, how will you handle exercise and toilet duties?	 {fence3}
Will there be children living with the dog?	 No
Ages of children?	 {child2}
Do you have children visiting often?	 No
Ages of children?	 {child4}
Please list any and all current pets in your household by breed, age, sex and length of time you have owned them:
Pet #1	 Tank, a Tortise
Pet #2	
Pet #3	
Pet #4	
Pet #5	
Are your current pets spayed/neutered?	 Yes
If no, why not?	 {pets3}
How many hours per day will the dog be left alone?	 1-3 hours
Where will the dog be kept during this time ?	 crate
Could you possibly relocate?	 No
If yes, what would you do with your pets including the one you are fostering?	 {move2}
What type of home do you have?	 House
Own Or Rent?	 Own
How long have you owned?	 1-5
If you rent, does your landlord allow pets?	 I Own
Would you be willing to provide proof of this?	 I Own My Home
When you go on vacation what do you do with your pets?	 Spike watched them at Twilights house
Have you ever had to give away a pet?	 No
If yes, please explain:	 {away2}
Have you ever had to euthanize a pet?	 No
If yes, please explain:	 {euth2}
Please supply two (2) personal references NOT including your Vet:
1-Name:	 Rarity
Address:	 90 Gem Way
City:	 Ponyville
State:	 Alabama
Zip Code:	 90437
Phone:	 257 987 1578
E-Mail Address:
Relationship to you:	 Friend
2-Name:	 Pinkie Pie
Address:	 567 Sweets Ave
City:	 Ponyville
State:	 Alabama
Zip Code:	 90437
Phone:	 268-678-2789
E-Mail Address:
Relationship to you:	 Friend
Additional Information: Include anything related to your interest in fostering or past pet ownership that might be helpful to us in considering your application.	
By submitting this form you agree to accept the terms and conditions herein.

Submitted by
array ( )
/home/slradmin/public_html/SLR/components/com_chronoforms/pdf/Foster_Tabs-Copy/Foster_Tabs-Copy_20140406102629.pdf has been uploaded OK.
Powered By ChronoForms -
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2014
Hi paint27,

I don't see any obvious problem. Curious that the PDF shows neither the data nor the placeholders - that does look odd to me. Please double-check that you do have placeholders in the PDF template.

paint27 07 Apr, 2014
copy of the email generated code that is in the pdf... :

<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" border="0">
		<td colspan='2'>
			<div align="center">
Foster Application - Schnauzer Love Rescue, Inc.
<hr width="30%" align="center">

A contract between the owners of the dog, Schnauzer Love Rescue, Inc., known herein as SLR, Inc. and the caretakers of the dog, known herein as foster home or foster family.
The foster family fully understands that they are to act as a foster home for one or more of SLR, Inc.'s dogs while in the fosterer's care and in their home.
The dogl will remain the property of SLR, Inc.. The dog will be surrendered to an officer of SLR, Inc. immediately on request.<br>
The animal will be fed, watered and exercised appropriately.
No prong or shock collars are to be used at anytime.
The foster home will not be compensated for expenses incurred in the normal daily care of the animal.
Expenditures incurred by the foster family other than emergency care and treatment require prior approval by the President or the Vice-President of SLR, Inc. The foster family will be held responsible for unapproved expenditures.
Veterinary care will be provided by SLR, Inc. This includes vaccinations, heartworm testing and preventative monthly flea/tick preventative, altering and any prescription medications necessary for the dog.<br>
The animal is to be adopted to its permanent home only under the supervision of an officer of SLR, Inc. and only to said pre-approved families. Adoptive families are to be contacted by the foster family as a courtesy to inquire about the animal at 30, 60 and 90 day intervals, however, adoptive families are to be accorded the utmost respect and privacy.
All donations & adoption fees connected with the adoption of a dog will be sent directly to the designated SLR, Inc. Treasurer.<br>
Questions or problems are to be directed to officers of SLR, Inc..<br>
If there is a need to remove the dog from the foster home, the animal is to be given directly to a designated SLR, Inc. officer.
The foster family accepts responsibility for any and all events that occur in connection with the fostering of a rescue animal.<br>
The foster family agrees to release and indemnify any and all officers and members of SLR, Inc. from any and all claims, known and unknown, now or hereafter, arising in connection with the animal.<br>
SLR, Inc. requires that the foster family have a crate available should its use be necessary.
The foster family will evaluate the animal and prepare an evaluation form. This form will be kept with the adoption package as information for the new owners.
A list of SLR, Inc's officers and other rescue contacts will be left with the foster family for reference.

			<strong>Select date</strong>
			<strong>Your Name: (First -Last)</strong>
			<strong>Your E-Mail:</strong>
			<strong>Your Driver's License# (optional)</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			<hr width="90%" align="center">
			<strong>Name of Co-Foster Applicant</strong>
			<strong>Co-Foster E-Mail:</strong>
			<strong>Co-Foster Driver's License# (optional)</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			<hr width="90%" align="center">
			<strong>Street Address:</strong>
			<strong>Zip code:</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			Phone Number With Area Code:
			<strong>Best Time To Call?</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			<hr width="90%" align="center">
			<strong>Your occupation:</strong>
			<strong>Your place of employment:</strong>
			<strong>Co-Foster Occupation :</strong>
			<strong>Co-Foster place of employment</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			<hr width="90%" align="center">
			<strong>Why do you want to foster a dog?</strong>
			<strong>Have you ever fostered a dog before?</strong>
			<strong>If so, which ones?</strong>
			<strong>Is there a limit to the length of time you can keep the dog until it is adopted?</strong>
			<strong>If so, how long can you keep the dog?</strong>
			<strong>Why is there a limit?</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			<hr width="90%" align="center">
Please list your current vet or a vet you have had in the past when you owed animals.
			<strong>I authorize my vet and staff to speak to a representative of Schnauzer Love Rescue, Inc.</strong>
			<strong>Name of Vet used to care for personal and rescue dogs</strong>
			<strong>Zip code:</strong>
			<strong>Phone with area code:</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			<hr width="90%" align="center">
			<strong>Is your yard enclosed by a fence?</strong>
			<strong>If yes, what type of fence and are gates secured?</strong>
			<strong>If no, how will you handle exercise and toilet duties?</strong>
			<strong>Will there be children living with the dog?</strong>
			<strong>Ages of children?</strong>
			<strong>Do you have children visiting often?</strong>
			<strong>Ages of children?</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			<hr width="90%" align="center">
<font size="14">Please list any and all current pets in your household by breed, age, sex and length of time you have owned them:</font>

			<strong>Pet #1</strong>
			<strong>Pet #2</strong>
			<strong>Pet #3 </strong>
			<strong>Pet #4</strong>
			<strong>Pet #5</strong>
			<strong>Are your current pets spayed/neutered?</strong>
			<strong>If no, why not?</strong>
			<strong>How many hours per day will the dog be left alone?</strong>
			<strong>Where will the dog be kept during this time ?</strong>
			<strong>Could you possibly relocate?</strong>
			<strong>If yes, what would you do with your pets including the one you are fostering?</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			<hr width="90%" align="center">
			<strong>What type of home do you have?</strong>
			<strong>Own Or Rent?</strong>
			<strong>How long have you owned?</strong>
			<strong>If you rent, does your landlord allow pets?</strong>
			<strong>Would you be willing to provide proof of this?</strong>
			<strong>When you go on vacation what do you do with your pets?</strong>
			<strong>Have you ever had to give away a pet?</strong>
			<strong>If yes, please explain:</strong>
			<strong>Have you ever had to euthanize a pet?</strong>
			<strong>If yes, please explain:</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			<hr width="90%" align="center">

Please supply two (2) personal references NOT including your Vet:
			<strong>Zip Code:</strong>
			<strong>E-Mail Address:</strong>
			<strong>Relationship to you:</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			<hr width="20%" align="center">
			<strong>Zip Code:</strong>
			<strong>E-Mail Address:</strong>
			<strong>Relationship to you:</strong>
			<strong>Additional Information: Include anything related to your interest in fostering or past pet ownership that might be helpful to us in considering your application.</strong>
		<td colspan='2'>
			<hr width="90%" align="center">

<font color="red"><b>By submitting this form you agree to accept the terms and conditions herein.</b> </font>
This topic is locked and no more replies can be posted.