Is there any way to have one listing displayed on the same page as another?
In my system I am displaying a closing summary 'dashboard' of listings summarising positions of a number of stakeholders (similar in concept to a set of Bank statements for different accounts)
I have tried every which way I can such as a listing in their own article displayed as category blog, listings called via two chronoforms in an article one after the other, chronoforms in modules, etc
Whichever way i try only the first listing gets displayed and the places where the rest should be are blank.
If not possible then I could do with knowing so as not to waste my time (or anyone elses?)
I am using CC4 but could use cc5 for these listings
Hi Wally,
You might be able to do this using one of the 'Content Anywhere' modules for Joomla!
Or, I have done something similar using the Dynamic Lister in ChronoForms - you can add more than one of those to the same form.
Or, you might be able to do it with a Custom Listing on CC getting all the results but sorting them into the right order and then using PHP to break up the listing into distinct blocks.
Hi Bob
Using content anywhere does not work - same result as chronoform module.
I don't know what dynamic lister is - can't seem to find that.
At a push I could put the whole of the custom listing for the second listing in the footer of the first one. Ugly but should work.
Maybe 2 CCv5 plugin calls in one article ? did you try that ? I think it should work fine but navigating through pages of one list may trigger the same for the other one.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi Bob
I did not know there was such a facility. I will give it a go and report back.
Hi Wally,
I don't know what dynamic lister is - can't seem to find that
The DB Multi Record Loader in ChronoForms v4 has a Data Displayer tab that lets you load a display a list of records. You can use several of these in the same form.
Hi Bob
I have managed to get two listings on a page using ideas you set out above.
In an article I called a chronoform V4 that in turn ran a Chronoconnect 4 listing.
Underneath the chronoform statement I then put a plug in statement for a chronoconnectivity 5 listing.
Both forms are now displayed one after the other.
So great, many thanks.
I cannot get the second listing to do what i want though. (It works fone in CC4). It is a join of 2 tables and I can get the fields from the first table listed but I cannot get any fields in the second table to appear. Is there a tutorial for CC5 multi tables anywhere?
Hi Wally,
Did you manage to get the fields from the 2nd model to appear in the list but not in the edit form ? or you can't get it to work at all ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi Max
I am struggling with the CC5 custom listing so I have raised a seperate topic on that to seperate it from this one.
I do not need an edit form for the CC5 listing, simply the list itself. I cannot get my brain around the new syntax for CC5. I have the listing working in CC4 (but it wont display if other CC4 listings are on the page) and it is in the move to CC5 that I struggle with.
In fact, I reaise I can get away with 1 table for it as i can access the other tasble using fields from the first, but I cannot work out how to address a row item for use with php within the custom listing body.
I cannot find the answer anywhere in the forum so I accept it is me with a big blind spot.
Any help gratefully received.
Hi Wally,
I have just replied to your latest topic + I have added a tutorial yesterday about how to add more models to your connection!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi Max
That's marvellous. I will have a go.
Many thanks
Hi Max
Some interesting results to share with you.
First of all I do not need the second table for this so I have not tried your tutorial out in practice yet. I will get around to thatsometime soon though.
To recap, I have two listings on a page called from an article. The first is a CC4 and the second a CC5 called via the plugin in the article. Two CC4 listings in series does not work, only the first is displayed.
The first listing does some calculations across all the rows that are then stored in the database. The second listing uses these calculated figures in two of its columns.
The first time the page is displayed these columns display zeros. So although the first listing stores the figures they are not picked up by the second listing. On refreshing the page the totals appear correctly. (I have double checked this behaviour as it did not pass my mental logic process initially.)
This implies that although the listings come one after the other in the calling sequence, the page rendering happens in parallel and does not pick up the updated database fields.
I then tried putting the plugin in the footer of the CC4 listing. This did not work, only the CC4 listing appeared.
I therefore need to do some pre-processing to do the calculations and store in the database before calling the two listings.
Home and dry then I hope.....
Further update:
I converted the first CC4 listing to CC5 so that I call two CC5 listings via the plugins.
It works correctly, displays the two lists and uses the calculated values first time.
CC5 listings have introduced a CSS issue though - anything after the CC5 plugin in the article has its h2 format overridden.
Got to sort that one now.
Hi Wally,
CCv5 uses bootstrap which only affects the section inside the listing only, so I can't imagine why it would affect any tags outside, if you can't solve it then you may send me a link to check it myself!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi Max
Went into the display afresh today and the format is correct. Suspect I had something cached therefore.
So I think this thread is not sorted.
Many thanks for all your help. I am getting close to launch now so this week will move site to live and register both forms and connectivity (both 4 and 5).