
Form name can NOT be empty!

GrantVAER 04 Apr, 2014
Hi there,

I have developed forms in the past using the chronoforms plugin for Joomla. I recently developed a new form then clicked on 'frontend view' and all it displayed was a white page that stated 'Form name can not be empty!' . I have named the form using the wizard so I am kind of baffled as to why it is doing this. Any ideas? Ive not used chronoforms since updating joomla to 3.0.4. Could it be a compatibility issue? Or have I missed out a step somewhere? I noticed when I clicked on 'front end view' it takes me to the url: which I thought would display . Any help would be much appreciated.


Max_admin 04 Apr, 2014
Hi Grant,

So you had Joomla 2.5 then updated to Joomla 3 ? or what happened exactly ? did you update the extension as well ?

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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