"6"); ?>ARTICLE2=> {chronoconnectivity5}edit_exams_form2{/chronoconnectivity5}CC 2=>return array("examen" => "7"); ?>"> How link & pass variable parameters to CCv5 from an article - Forums


How link & pass variable parameters to CCv5 from an article

teldrive 03 Apr, 2014
I apreciate if someone can help, How can make this process more flexible? passing variable parameters to CC from an article

I can have different articles and CC's matched
ARTICLE1=> {chronoconnectivity5}edit_exams_form1{/chronoconnectivity5}
CC 1=>
return array("examen" => "6");
ARTICLE2=> {chronoconnectivity5}edit_exams_form2{/chronoconnectivity5}
CC 2=>
return array("examen" => "7");
Max_admin 04 Apr, 2014
Hi Teldrive,

Please try this:

You should be able to pass any parameters this way.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
teldrive 04 Apr, 2014
Hi Max, thanks by reply
but i have issue also in the other side CC
ARTICLE2=> {chronoconnectivity5}edit_exams_form2&nivelx=6{/chronoconnectivity5}
in html

i have been testing without sucess
return array ('examen'=> 'nivelx');

$uri =& JFactory::getURI();
return array ('examen'=> $var);

$var = $_POST['nivelx'];
return array ('examen'=> $var);

could you help me to complete this puzzle?
Max_admin 04 Apr, 2014
What are you trying to do exactly ? my code will simply pass "examen" with the value = 6 to the connection, you may for example use it in the conditions box or some where else.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
teldrive 05 Apr, 2014
Hi Max, so far the issue is how to get the 'nivelx' parameter value into CCv5 enviroment to be used in condition, I am lost

I changed name of parameter in order don't get confussion with names
'nivelx' is parameter passed by article
'examen' is field name of database

if I set in article:
ARTICLE2=> {chronoconnectivity5}edit_exams_form2&nivelx=6{/chronoconnectivity5}
in html

and in conditions (this doesn't work)
return array ('examen'=> "nivelx"); //also tried with 'nivelx'

.....also tried
return array ('examen'=> $var);
Max_admin 05 Apr, 2014
No, try this:

return array ('examen'=> $_GET["nivelx"]);
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
teldrive 05 Apr, 2014
I tried Max, but is not working yet

 return array ('examen'=> $_GET["nivelx"]);   //also tried  $_GET['nivelx']); 

I tested (in list display -> header code) to check what value it takes but it gives me php error code
$var = $_GET['nivelx']);
echo "test  =>".$var."<br>";

CC debug shows
  [2] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS `exa.count` FROM `pn6x7_examen_form` AS `exa` WHERE `exa`.`examen` = ''
Max_admin 05 Apr, 2014
Ok, please try this instead:

 return array ('examen'=> \GCore\Libs\Request::data("nivelx"));
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
teldrive 05 Apr, 2014
Max, still fails
just to double-check i have in article


also tried with

and in CCv5 condition
 return array ('examen'=> \GCore\Libs\Request::data('nivelx'));  // also tried with "nivelx"

no data seems to be passed to cc
Max_admin 05 Apr, 2014
Please test using this code in the "header" box:


What do you get ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
teldrive 06 Apr, 2014
Hi Max, same results,
I send you debug screen, results obtained in list are equivalent to return ("examen"=>"0") so no params are passed
Max_admin 07 Apr, 2014
The $_GET var is totally empty, that's weird!

Do you have SEF enabled ? if yes then could you please test with it disabled ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
teldrive 07 Apr, 2014
Hi Max, i disabled SEF, but all links of web page get broken, anyway i tested it and I've got some return from $_Get query, but nothing related to param " &nivelx=3"
Max_admin 08 Apr, 2014
Ok, I have just made this test:

#1- connection name is "content", so I inserted in my article:

#2- I inserted this code in the conditions (and also the header) box:

that returned the correct value which is 1, so you should be able to use

You can also use this line to get all the request values:

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
teldrive 08 Apr, 2014
:D Thanks a lot Max, in special by your patiente with me, we have got it
let me show you final results
Working condition code
 return array ('examen'=> \GCore\Libs\Request::data("amp;nivelx"));

front-list-table-header code

and results capture

my big question, why &-->amp; is not recognized as separator?????😲
Max_admin 08 Apr, 2014
Please disable the editor when you enter the plugin code in your article, that's why the amp; is added, which should NOT be there of course, that's a problem!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
teldrive 08 Apr, 2014
You are right
<td style="background-color: #dddada;">{chronoconnectivity5}list_exams2_form&nivelx=3{/chronoconnectivity5}</td>

i will have in mind
thanks again
teldrive 08 Apr, 2014
By the way, I have found a simple workaroung for this saving article in source code mode
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