
link drop down with multirecord loader

kalkal 02 Apr, 2014
I 'm searching forum and FAQs one day allready and I confused.
How could I show the records of a table depending of the selection in a drop down element? Do I have to use chronoconnectivity?
The drop down is dynamic (data from a table)
The records I want to appear are in a different table that is connected to the first one with a foreign key.
Until now I used 2 multirecord loaders, dynamic data and 2multirl, dynamic data with ajax all previous. Nothing worked (I'm sure something do it wrong).
GreyHead 03 Apr, 2014
HI kalkal,

I don't understand what you need to do? If you want a select drop-down with a listing below it you can use the Data Displayer of the DB Multi Record Loader action in ChronoForms, ir you could build a listing in ChronoConnectivity. Either will work OK. The CF version is a bit easier to do.

kalkal 04 Apr, 2014
I'm trying but I can't do it.That's the data:

1 drop down with dynamic data from the table kz_idrymata (with fields kwdikos, idryma)
Until here it;s ok.
Now, I want after above selection to display data of another table (kz_tmima with foreign key kwdikos).
I use the "link two DB Multi Record Loaders" FAQ but it doesn't do anything exept to display the fields titles as tags.
What should I do?
GreyHead 05 Apr, 2014
Hi kalkal,

I'm sorry I don't understand what you are trying to do. Do you want to display records from table or to build a drop-down select element using them???

kalkal 07 Apr, 2014
Hi Bob,
I'm trying to make a dynamic drop down selection and to display data (multiple records) after this selection.
For example to select the name of a university and after that to display all the departments of this university.
The problem is:
the dynamic drom down depends on a table (kz_idrymata)
and the display data is in another table (kz_tmima) that is joined with the first one with the field kwdikos.
As I said before I made the dynamic drop down but I can't display data (I follow the steps of

link two MultiRecord Loaders FAQ

Thank you
kalkal 10 Apr, 2014
Hi, is there any FAQ that could help me?
kalkal 11 Apr, 2014
I did it with a drop down selection (that it depends on a table) and on submit it takes the value of the drop down and displays data from another table where field1=value of selection
(In my country this solution called the mini-marketer solution -mpakalistiko way).

But it seems like not a very good solution. First, because i would like to do it without submit and secondly because when it displays the data, disappears the drop down element.

Is any way to do it better?
kalkal 14 Apr, 2014
Max_admin 16 Apr, 2014
Hi kalkal,

If you are listing the data then you will need to use Connectivity, you will need to setup a relation between your 2 models and use the dropdown as a filter field, and I suggest using CCv5 for this

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
kalkal 20 Apr, 2014
Is there any How To.. to get some help for what I'm trying to do?
I'm little confused about what model id to write first and what second (I have a multi tables relation). Also what I have to write in WHERE statement so the records that will be displayed to be filtered by the drop down selection of my form?

Thank you.
Max_admin 22 Apr, 2014
Hi Kalkal,

The new questions are about Connectivity ? if yes the I suggest that you use v5 and check the tutorials under the FAQs section.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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