I'm sorry, I find your question very confusing.
sorry I try to explain better...... and thanks for your help.
1. I think I have just answered in another thread.
sorry... I miss the answer, the others question are different to me, the arguments are similar too...
But the way you apply the solutions is different, task control in CC4, button from a list in CC4,
link in CF4 or in edit mode with the same form in CC4.
Three cases that I separate in three posts.
but I understand, I try to be more clear.
in chronoforms:
The link in cf4form link ok to the event, I prepare a target page inside an action in the event.
but when a click the link the page appears but
without the data.
1-could I move the data from the form to the html format without pass from the submit?
2- if I had to use the submit could I have two button one to save the data and the other to direct to the print action
in the form?
3-Is there an action that I could use to pass the data?
4-Is there a way to pass the data with the url link?
2 & 3 seem to have something to do with ChronoConnectivity but that wasn't mentioned in your original question.
Yes, after I create the form I associate it win a connection in chronoconnectivity, when I open the form to edit the record
in CC4 the link didn't call the event like in CF4 but return to the admin page.
To be clear I couldn't use this kind of link in CC4 when I open the same CC4 form in editing mode.
Sorry but when you create your form and use CF4 an CC4 isn't so easy to separate the two things.
At this point I couldn't find a way to pass data to a format dedicated to print when I open the form in edit mode (the single record I mean).
In two world I couldn't print a single record in edit mode in CC4, or if there is a solution I don't know how to apply that solution at my case.
I try to search in the forum but I didn't find a similar case that contains an aswer, if you could point out to other documentation, faq, or posts I will read with interested.