
image in chronoform Custom Element (HTML/PHP)

davezenzer 22 Mar, 2014

first of all sorry for my englisch.

can somone help me to give a example for a code in Custom Element (HTML/PHP) to get a image in the form.
this image need to be visible in the email we sent to the customer.
Max_admin 22 Mar, 2014
Here is a sample image code:

<img src="link to image here" />

This code can be added to a custom element, to display the image on the form!

And it should be added to the "Email" template, to display it in the email!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
GreyHead 23 Mar, 2014
Hi davezenzer,

Max's code will work more or less OK. You must include the full URL in the src attribute as the email will be read in the user's mail reader.

!!! Many readers will not automatically open images so you need to carefully check the results you will get.

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