Hello !
I'm currently testing Chronoforms, and I have an issue with the export database function.
I made some entries in my form table, and when I want to export an entry, here is the issue I encounter :
I looked in PhpMyAdmin and my entries are present in the table.
Do you have any idea about where does this issue could come from ?
(Also, as I looked in PhpMyAdmin, I looked at my entries and I saw that dropdown values are registred as "0", "1", ...
Is it possible to register them as the value the user selected ?)
Thank you very much for your help.
I'm currently testing Chronoforms, and I have an issue with the export database function.
I made some entries in my form table, and when I want to export an entry, here is the issue I encounter :
0 SQL=SELECT `ListData`.`created` AS `ListData.created`, `ListData`.`AdresseMac1` AS `ListData.AdresseMac1`, `ListData`.`TypeMateriel1` AS `ListData.TypeMateriel1` FROM `InscriptionMateriel` AS `ListData` WHERE = '{ListData.id}'
I looked in PhpMyAdmin and my entries are present in the table.
Do you have any idea about where does this issue could come from ?
(Also, as I looked in PhpMyAdmin, I looked at my entries and I saw that dropdown values are registred as "0", "1", ...
Is it possible to register them as the value the user selected ?)
Thank you very much for your help.