
How to get validation working V5

emma.richardson 18 Mar, 2014
I am trying to get my form to work. History - I had V4 and the form worked fine but I have had ongoing issues with the email function so thought I would upgrade to V5. After multiple issues, I uninstalled both versions and reinstalled just V5 (after deleting out database tables which I think had issues because I could not save any of the Action settings in V5).
So I have my form built and all the actions are now saving. Form loads and submits (still doesn't email but I will work on that). The only validation that I can get to work is the Captcha. I see nowhere in the General settings where I can turn validation on or select to include files (noted in another forum post)...I am guessing that was a V4 thing.
I have the following things set up in the form - required fields, email format, and confirm from another field. I also have tried to set a field to be hidden on load and show after the selection of a value from a dropdown list. Form loads but field is never hidden.
Would appreciate any help.
emma.richardson 18 Mar, 2014
I am still baffled as to why this does not work. I ended up loading the demo forms and adjusted one of those and now everything is working in the demo form. I have compared all the settings and cannot find anything different between the form I created from scratch and the demo form except that the demo works and mine does not!
On the plus side, I do have a working form that I can use but I would still like to know what happened or didn't happen!
GreyHead 19 Mar, 2014
Hi Emma,

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

emma.richardson 19 Mar, 2014
I have it on a dev site but have attached the form as it is does the same thing on two different sites.
GreyHead 19 Mar, 2014
Hi Emma,

It looks as though your form name has a space in it.

emma.richardson 19 Mar, 2014
Wow - hence the line under the form name entry box that says you should not have any spaces!! Somewhat ashamed and humbled that I missed that! Thank you!
GreyHead 19 Mar, 2014
Hi Emma,

The form name is used as a PHP variable and as an HTML name and Id all of which will break if there are spaces in the name.

emma.richardson 19 Mar, 2014
Yes, that makes sense now. Was driving me crazy trying to figure out what was going on - hadn't even thought about the form name. Thanks again.
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