
Single record returned

pcheng 17 Mar, 2014
Is it possible to show one record per page?

I do not want to provide a way for people to simply show all records and print them out or copy them. So I would like to present one record per page and to see the next one you need to press a button.

I would also know if i can start with an empty screen and show records only when a search is performed.


GreyHead 17 Mar, 2014

You could set the list length to 1 and turn off the pagination but to do this I'd probably use a ChronoForm instead of a listing.

pcheng 25 Mar, 2014
Hi Bob,

Could you point me to an example of a ChronoForm that would do this? I am using CFv5 and CCv5 and I am a bit confused on how to use them.

What I need is to make a form that will search the database and return 1 row with a next and previous button under it so that the users will be able to move to the next record that matches the search.

This is similar to what the CCv5 listing will do but the smallest pagination is 5 instead of 1.


GreyHead 25 Mar, 2014
Hi Pericles,

I've never done it with CFv5, I think you'd use the DB Reader and then a custom element to format the results.

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