When using a "multi field" containing several required fields, only the first has the "required label" class added, creating the red asterix.
The validation itself still seems to work for all fields.
Hi AlexRees,
This is a known bug, I think that Max may have a fix for it if you ask him using the Contact Us link above.
I emailed Max about this and he said there would be an official release last weekend. Unless I'm looking in the wrong place (very possible!), it seems this didn't happen? Is there an ETA for the next release?
Hi Alex,
Sorry for the delay, but few more issues were found and I had to fix them, also few new features have been added, the new release is supposed to be published this weekend.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Great, thanks for the update.