
How to change the language or some words

Digico 12 Mar, 2014
Hi there,)
Just installed the ChronoForums V1.1
Like it! Thank you!
One problem.
I can't understand how to change the language or some words. For example "Board Index" and so on...
I tried looking for the language .ini files with "Board Index" and so on... nothing
How can I change the language?
Is it possible?
Thanks for any advice!

This is only one reason which keeps me to buy it.😟
Digico 12 Mar, 2014
Cool feature the calculus00!)
But, my question is not about ChronoForms...
Please help.
I will wait any answers. Thanks!
Max_admin 12 Mar, 2014
Hi Digico,

Which language do you need ? the new release has many new translations.

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helvecio 25 May, 2014
I will run my site in pt-BR.

I found the pt-PT files under components/com_chronoforums/chronoforums/locales

Now...what? I can't find anything under Settings that will change the frontend to Portugal Portuguese.

I tried to follow this "tutorial" but it seems things are not like that anymore -

Can you provide some updated tutorial for those who need ChronoForums in another language?

Thank you!
Max_admin 27 May, 2014
Hi helvecio,

The language should change automatically when you site language is set to Portuguese.

ChronoForms developer...
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helvecio 27 May, 2014
Hello admin,
Unfortunately it didn't.
I didn't quite understand how to make changes to the included language packs to make them visible to the system.
I see you have pt-PT, but my site runs under pt-BR. I make a copy of the folder, looked into the code to make changes, tried a few things, but nothing.
If you can clarify where I should make changes, I'd appreciate it very much.
GreyHead 27 May, 2014
Hi Digico,

I don't have ChronoForums installed to check but I expect that if you copy the pt-PT files in the locales folder and rename them to pt-BR that may work.

helvecio 27 May, 2014
I've already copied the pt_pt folder and renamed it to:
- pt_br
- pt_BR
- pt-br
- pt-BR
So far, no luck!
Max_admin 27 May, 2014
If you need pt_br then not only you need to change the folder name from "pt_pt" to "pt_br", but also you need to open the folder and open the "lang.php" file, find the "PtPt" string and change it to "PtBr".

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
paxx 27 May, 2014
Hi all

How to make your own language files

Here is how I did it to Swedish language

Language for the administrator side

1. Open folder /administrator/components/com_chronoforums/chronoforums/locales
2. Create a folder of your language (i:e sv_se)
3. Copy the language file "lang.php" from folder en_gb
4. Paste the file "lang.php" into your own folder (i:e sv_se)
5. Start to translate the strings that you want to be translated.
6. Save the file (in utf-8 without bom)
7. Do not forget to change line 9 " namespace GCore\Admin\Extensions\Chronoforums\Locales\EnGb; " to " namespace GCore\Admin\Extensions\Chronoforums\Locales\SvSE; "

Language for the front side

1. Open folder /components/com_chronoforums/chronoforums/locales
2. Create a folder of your language (i:e sv_se)
3. Copy the language file "lang.php" from folder en_gb
4. Paste the file "lang.php" into your own folder (i:e sv_se)
5. Start to translate the strings that you want to be translated.
6. Save the file (in utf-8 without bom)
7. Do not forget to change line 9 " namespace GCore\Extensions\Chronoforums\Locales\EnGb; " to " namespace GCore\Extensions\Chronoforums\Locales\SvSE; "
8. Do not forget to change line 12 " class Lang extends \GCore\Admin\Extensions\Chronoforums\Locales\EnGb\Lang to " class Lang extends \GCore\Admin\Extensions\Chronoforums\Locales\SvSe\Lang "

Of course you have to change "SvSe" in to your own language, for example "PtBr" and your sites language should be the same "PtBr"
helvecio 27 May, 2014
Thanks! It worked!
Partially though...
"Search all forums..." and "Search this forum..." input fields have not been translated
The buttons "Unanswered", "New", "Active" and their tooltips have also no been translated. "New Topic" hasn't also been translated.
Also buttons within the topic: "Unanswered", "New", "Active", "My topics", "My profile"
Error display "You don't have enough permissions to read this topic."
That's all I can see so far.
I'll be glad to put together a tutorial for you once I'm finished.
Max_admin 28 May, 2014
You will need to find the English constants of those strings and update the Portuguese file to include them, we didn't receive an update for the file yet.

ChronoForms developer...
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helvecio 28 May, 2014
I've seen a lot of missing strings in the pt-pt lang.php file.
Where do I send an updated version to?
Max_admin 28 May, 2014
You can attach it here after you finish or send it using the "contact us" page (better)

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