
Required field

hanlonsrazor 21 Feb, 2014
Everything worked fine on the site I look after: , until the ISP conducted some “work”.

In the "Nachname" field (last name) now always appears the message that only numbers are allowed, although alphanumeric characters are allowed in this field.

To solve the problem temporarily I unchecked the box “required field” and made the verification unnecessary, saved it, but without any results.

What can I do to solve this problem? :? THX in advance!
GreyHead 21 Feb, 2014
Hi hanlonsrazor,

It looks as though the problem is in the language file /components/com_chronoforms/js/formcheck/lang/de.js where the error messages are stored:
formcheckLanguage = {
	required: "Dieses Feld ist obligatorisch.",
	alpha: "In diesem Feld sind nur Buchstaben zulässig.",
	alphanum: "In diesem Feld sind nur Zahlen zulässig.",
	nodigit: "Eingabe von Nummern nicht möglich.",
	digit: "Nur Eingabe von Zahlen möglich.",
	digitmin: "Die kleinstmögliche Zahl ist %0.",
	digitltd: "Der Wert muss zwischen %0 und %1 liegen",
	number: "Geben Sie bitte eine gültige Zahl ein.",
	email: "Geben Sie bitte eine gültige E-mail ein.",
	phone: "Geben Sie bitte eine gültige Telefonnummer ein.",
	url: "Geben Sie bitte eine gültige Internetadresse ein.",
	confirm: "Das Feld ist verschieden von %0.",
	differs: "Der Wert muss unterschiedlich zu %0 sein.",
	length_str: "Das Feld ist verschieden von %0.",
	length_fix: "Falsche L�nge, es m�ssen exakt %0 Buchstaben sein.",
	lengthmax: "Der Wert ist nicht korrekt, maximale Anzahl Charakter %0.",
	lengthmin: "Der Wert ist nicht korrekt, minimale Anzahl Charakter %0.",
	checkbox: "Bitte aktivieren.",
	checkboxes_group : 'Bitte kreuzen Sie mindestens %0 Feld(er) an',
	radios: "Bitte einen Wert auswählen.",
	select: "Bitte einen Wert auswählen."
My copy is the same so it looks like an old bug :-(
hanlonsrazor 21 Feb, 2014
Hello Grey Head!

It seems so? The code is absolutely identical!

What I do not understand is the fact that I cannot switch from "Alphanumeric" to "Alpha" nor cannot make even any other changes and there is another “mystery” for me, namely the fact that the error occurs right now and did not appear previously! 😢
hanlonsrazor 21 Feb, 2014

My copy is the same so it looks like an old bug :-(

Do you have any ideas? THX i. a.!
GreyHead 23 Feb, 2014
Hi hanlonsrazor,

Have you tried correcting the language file? The English version has
	alphanum: "This field accepts alphanumeric characters only.",
compared the German
alphanum: "In diesem Feld sind nur Zahlen zulässig.",

hanlonsrazor 23 Feb, 2014
Hello GreyHead!

Just tried ist, but this time the error message "This field accepts alphanumeric characters only" appears, even when I switch to "alpha" and the form does not even accept the change from "Requied" to "Not required". It seems so as if the language file does not make any difference?

hanlonsrazor 23 Feb, 2014

Hello GreyHead!

Just tried [b[size=150]]THIS[/size][/b]


Sorry, Bob! I had a stroke... 😶
GreyHead 24 Feb, 2014
Hi hanlonsrazor,

I'm sorry, I misunderstood and thought the problem was just with the message.

We have seen a problem with certain browsers + certain MooTools versions where the Class matcher code is broken and matches 'alphanum' with 'alpha'. There's a couple of solutions in this post if this is the same problem that you are seeing.

hanlonsrazor 02 Mar, 2014
Thank you for your tip, "GreyHead", but there is something very strange, neither I have a directory called "[...]libraries/includes[...]", nor do I have a directory "[...]js[...]". And of "course" I have no files named "JSvalidation.php", "svalidation2.js" and "mooValidation.js". There are 4 directories in \www\components\com_chronocontact\, namely: "controllers", "helpers", "models" and "views". That's all! That makes it "somewhat" difficult...
GreyHead 02 Mar, 2014
Hi hanlonsrazor,

Hmmm . . . which version of ChronoForms are you using? The infobar here says "Product: ChronoForms 4.0 RC3.5.2 / System: Joomla! 2.5.18" but I don't think that can be correct?

hanlonsrazor 02 Mar, 2014
Hmm, that is "funny" somehow, "GrayHead"! it looks as if someone had installed version 5 and did not inform me?
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