
Chronoforms V5 french translation

shteevy 14 Jan, 2014

I'm wondering if a french translation exist for Chronoforms V5. If yes, were to download it ? If no, how can I help you to translate and include the translation into a language pack ?

Many thanks,

GreyHead 15 Jan, 2014
Hi Steve,

There is no French translation that I know of. I think that you'd need to find this file: /administrator/components/com_chronoforms5/chronoforms/locales/en_gb/lang.php Translate it and add it to a new locales/fr_fr folder.

You may also need to change the namespace at the beginning of the file. I should try an experiment with just a few lines first.

shteevy 16 Jan, 2014
Thank you for your help Bob🙂

micker 14 Mar, 2014
Can you share it ?
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