
Could not instantiate mail function.

webzight 12 Jan, 2014
Hi Bob,

This is really weird.

I have been using your Chronoforms on the same server for a long time and I have NEVER had this pop-up before ;-(

Using PHP mail and CF V4 in Joomla 3.2.1

Here is the output of the Debugger:

Could not instantiate mail function.
Could not instantiate mail function.

Data Array:

[option] => com_chronoforms
[tmpl] => component
[chronoform] => ContactJoshAmy
[event] => submit
[subject] => Contact Me
[first_name] => Tommy
[last_name] => Barrios
[email] => [email][/email]
[comments] => TEST
[chrono_verification] => zrgjs
[input_submit_8] => Submit
[5c684148a93816b33ab15c5a9fa5c383] => 1

Validation Errors:


Thanks for contacting us.

If necessary we will respond to you as soon as possible ;-)

Amy & Josh
Debug Data

Core Captcha
Passed the core captcha check!
Result An email has been SENT successfully from (Site Form Mailer) to [email][/email]

Josh & Amy's Creative Corner

Fill out form and Submit if you wish to contact us ;-)
Subject Contact Me
First Name Tommy
Last Name Barrios
Email [email][/email]
Comments TEST
Human Verify zrgjs

Submitted by
Attachments array ( )
Result An email has been SENT successfully from (Site Form Mailer) to [email][/email]

Thanks for Contacting Us :-)

Your message has been received and we will respond if necessary ;-)

Amy & Josh

Submitted by
Attachments array ( )

In Closing I have looked over the forums and I do not seem to have the same problem with this error as other folks with same also I tried a FAQ link that you had posted and it came up 404
webzight 12 Jan, 2014
Found the problem ;-}
Apparently the app gets some sort of feedback from the PHP mail server that actually checks for or verifies the FROM email address and if it is not a real address it kicks back this error, which is what the problem was, once I got that straight, it worked just fine;-)
GreyHead 13 Jan, 2014
Hi webzight,

It looks as though you've solved this one,
this FAQ might have helped.

marcusone 23 Feb, 2014
I found that this started to happen on mine as well. So not sure why this changed as it used to work. A change in PHP/Sendmail? As I have Joomla set to use Sendmail (not PHPMail) and all my other forms work (that are not in CF, i.e. Enhanced contact form works with a from address not verified - user entered).

By the way, your FAQ answer does not help! You should add this solution to it for this error message.
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