
Help regarding text box button not showing in Test Form

Splendid1008 17 Dec, 2013
I am completely new using Chronoforms. I drag "Text Box" under "Elements" to the right side and click "Configure". Under "General" fill "Label Text" with say "Name". I could see a table with "Name". But the same does not show up during Test Form. In fact, I get a blank screen with just a message by Chronoforms: Powered By ChronoForms - I know I am missing something with respect to Event but unable to proceed because of lack of knowhow. Help in this regard will be highly appreciated. Any link that deals with the first step preparing forms that addresses this issue would be suffice.
GreyHead 17 Dec, 2013
Hi Splendid1008,

Please see this FAQ for the video; and this FAQ about the Show HTML action as Sloan said.

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