
Multi-Page Form Not able maintain session data in Joomla 3.2

luxhodge 18 Nov, 2013

I am not sure what happened, but when I upgraded to Joomla v3.2, my original form crashed badly. I decided to rewrite the form. I just have the shell of the multi-page form built now (5 pages). I am not sure why, but my form is crashing each time I try to use the back arrow or the the back button to go from page 3 to page 2 for example. I have the Multi-page action at the top of every page and based on the debugger, I can see the session data being maintained. I have "Load keep alive" set to "Yes". This worked fine before in Joomla 3.1. Is it a form setting or something to do with the upgrade in Joomla versions? Please help.


luxhodge 18 Nov, 2013
I just tried setting the Keep Session alive option in the SHOW HTML action to No. That didn't help. The browser just says that the page timed out. If you refresh the browser you get the page you tried to go back to, but it used to just go back to that page. Let me know if anyone has any ideas. Thanks!

Max_admin 19 Nov, 2013
Hi Erik,

Instead of a regular back button, you may just need to use a link to the previous page, because browsers sometimes report error when you try to press back after a form submission, even using the browser's back button, let us know if you don't know how to build the link href

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
luxhodge 19 Nov, 2013
Thanks for the reply!

Yes, please post some instructions on building a back reference link. It will have to include the session ID, correct?

Max_admin 22 Nov, 2013
Hi Erik,

The link is basically in this format:

DEFAULT_FORM_LINK&event=STEP_EVENT&cf_sid=<?php echo $form->data("cf_sid"); ?>

There is a forum post here with a demo multi page form.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
luxhodge 22 Nov, 2013
Thank you!

It worked well.

nilubon03 06 Feb, 2014
Hi Max,

Can you explain how to implement the sample link that you suggest on the top? I am new to this. I have Joomla 3.2, CFV4 with multi page form. My issue is when I click to page 2, then click back to page 1, it worked. But when I click from page 2 to page 3, then click back to page 2, I receive "confirm form resubmission". I am hoping edit the link like you suggest may fix this issue, but I do not know how to do this.

Thank you,

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