
Form only working with debugger and refresh

nigelmaine 06 Nov, 2013

I have a form on my home page, when i try and submit the page appears to refresh bu nothing happens, when i refresh, nothing happens still.

I add the debugger to the form and for back to the page, the debugger kicks in before another submit and everything starts to work again, it shows that nothign is wrong the email gets sent and the thank you message displays,

I have no idea what is happening.

its on

Data Array: 
    [chronoform] => contact_us_2
    [event] => submit
    [input_fname] => Aden
    [input_lname] => Maine
    [input_email] =>
    [input_number] => 07701052633
    [input_yourmessage] => test message 12345678910
    [a24d2d1a751cbe1beb251a97f094a18f] => 1
Validation Errors: 

Debug Data
An email has been SENT successfully from ({input_name}){input_email} to,
Name	Aden Maine
Phone	07701052633
Message	test message 12345678910
array ( )
nigelmaine 07 Nov, 2013

Thanks for looking.

I noticed the phone issue before but it all used to work a few weeks ago and now it doesn't which is more confusing.

I'm not saving anything to a table i don't think, the only event actions i have is validation, thank you message and email.

I don't know what the Joomla/php error level is or where to change it or what it does?

GreyHead 07 Nov, 2013
Hi nigelmaine,

It looks as if you have entries on the Email Dynamic tab with curly brackets around them; please remove the curly brackets.

As far as I can see there is no value for input_name in your form data; you need to create this if you want to use it. Please see this FAQ

As Sloan says 'digit' validation is not useful for phone numbers - and I'm not sure that the 'phone' validations are a great deal better :-(


PS I strongly recommend that you do *not* use the Dynamic From Email element in your Email Setups. Using this often results in your emails being marked as spam and dropped into a spam filter. Instead use the static From Email with an address that matches the site domain name and use Dynamic ReplyTo Email for the user email. The result is the same but with a much better chance of good delivery.
GreyHead 07 Nov, 2013
Hi nigelmaine,

I suspect that this is a problem with SEF URLs and the form is not submitting to ChronoForms. Please try setting the Relative URL to NO on the form General tab (click the Form Name link in the Forms Manager to see it).

nigelmaine 07 Nov, 2013
Hi GreyHead,

I've turned off relative URLs and nothing has changed.

I have a form on another page that works fine, I have no idea why this one is suddenly different.

Thanks again
nigelmaine 07 Nov, 2013
After clearing my cache and turning off relative URLs it now goes to a separate thank you page which is fine.

However it is still displaying all debug information even though i removed debug from the events...

nigelmaine 07 Nov, 2013
Ok, my bad, i had left debugger on!

Everything is working fine now, it was the relative URL that had to be switched to No.

Thanks GreyHead

Much obliged
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