
forms out put text

manontherun 08 Oct, 2013
I am using the latest version of Chronoforms with joomla 3.1.5. I have two issues that is hampering its performance. Firstly if I use the same email adress to send to as the Joomla administrators one, then the email does not arrive. Thats difficult as the domain name and client are the same thing???. The second is the email arrives with no formating. This is when using the wizard. It seems to ignore any changes to the template.
GreyHead 08 Oct, 2013
Hi manontherun,

Some mail servers (Gmail is one) will not deliver mail if the To and From addresses are identical (why would you send your self email?).

The fix is to make them different, The From email address should match the site domain but you can put something different before the @ sign.

The Email uses whatever HTML you added to the template (assuming that you have the HTML option selected).

manontherun 08 Oct, 2013

Thanks for the response. Im a bit confused. I want a web form to mail to my personal adress. I have an email from my domain. Lets say [email][/email]. What does the form physically email from. The site email or the one on the form. When I use sent by admin@undercoverband and to info@undercoverband i get the same no email delivery. I tried formatting my email in dreamweaver and sent using text and html but got the same jumbled result. Any other ideas.
GreyHead 08 Oct, 2013
Hi manontherun,

Using admin@ + info@ should be fine.

Please drag a Debugger action into the On Submit event, then submit the form and post the debug - including the 'dummy emails' results here.

Note: if you are using the Easy Wizard you can turn on Debug on the Others tab.

manontherun 08 Oct, 2013
ok heres the result from the debugger

[option] => com_chronoforms
[tmpl] => component
[chronoform] => testing2
[event] => submit
[input_text_3] => fdfds
[input_text_1] => fdsfdsf
[input_submit_2] => Submit
[81c7b7b2f14447b1bde6528c494e9f60] => 1

Validation Errors:


Thanks so much
Debug Data

Result An email has been SENT successfully from (mmememe) to [email][/email]
Label Text fdfds
Label Text fdsfdsf

Submitted by
Attachments array ( )

Powered By ChronoForms -

Still doesnt arrive at email ?
GreyHead 08 Oct, 2013
Hi manontherun,

That all looks OK to me. I assume that you've checked your spam folder?

Is this Joomla! 3? If so then my Email [GH] action may be worth trying as it has slightly different emailer code and sometimes seems to work better.

manontherun 09 Oct, 2013
Hi Bob

Yes ive checked my spam folder. As I said the minute I use any email that is derived from the site global server email it does not arrive. I am using joomla 3.1.5. Where do I find the Email [GH] action. I cant seem to find it.
GreyHead 09 Oct, 2013
Hi manontherun,

I linked to the action in my last post.

This does sound like a configuration problem with your mailserver.

manontherun 09 Oct, 2013
Hi Bob
Ok i see now its a download and install. I noticed it does not say it is compatible with joomla 3.

"Note: This action is for ChronoForms v4 only; it should work with both the Joomla! 1.5 and 1.6/1.7/2.5 versions.

Please install using the Install Action icon on the ChronoForms Forms Manager toolbar."

Ill give it a try anyway.
manontherun 09 Oct, 2013
Nope it got this


JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file
GreyHead 09 Oct, 2013
Hi manontherun,

Please install using the Install Action icon on the ChronoForms Forms Manager toolbar.

manontherun 09 Oct, 2013
Hi Bob

Woops i mis interpreted that line. It loaded succesfully. Now what. I cant find where to choose it or initiate it.
GreyHead 09 Oct, 2013
Hi Manontherun,

You can only use it from the Form Wizard so if you are using the Easy Wizard you need to switch over. Then you should see an Actions Group called [GH] Custom Actions and you can drag the action from there into the On Submit event of your form.


Please see this FAQ for changing Wizards.
manontherun 10 Oct, 2013
Hi Bob

Thanks for all your help. I am still having a problem but I think it could lie in another area. I will tell you though that adding the new email feature, the out put email text is properly formatted. I was unable to get this result with the advanced wizard. It only worked in the easy one. Till later.
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