
Lock forum?

joeyG 05 Oct, 2013
Great forum extension so far. The only thing I have left to do is on the forum for announcements I would like to lock it so that registered users can't post. As soon as I get this setup and working I will be buying the pro version to support you guys on your awesome work.
joeyG 07 Oct, 2013
I didn't figure this would be such a hard question to answer. Is this basic feature not already built into the forum?
Max_admin 07 Oct, 2013
Hi Joey,

You need to lock the whole forum, not only a single topic, correct ?

This feature already exists, but for this to work you will have to set permissions per forum, please enable the "Forums permissions" setting in the "Settings" area then go to the forums manager and allow "public" access to all forums, also set the "create new topics" and "post replies" permissions, and for your locked forum, just set the "create new topics" and "post replies" to be allowed only for "super users".

Please note that you should never use the "denied" permissions, only "allowed" or "not set", because denied will deny all children groups!

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
joeyG 12 Oct, 2013
I'm confused, I went to components and then went to the chronoforums. The options I have are Categories Manager, Forums Manager, Settings, Permissions and Validate Install. I click on settings and I don't see an option to enable forum permissions.

Under the permission area I have it set so that registered members can post.
joeyG 15 Oct, 2013
I still need help with this please.
joeyG 15 Oct, 2013
I have a bunch of different forums and I want to lock one of them. People should be able to view this forum, but not post to it. So, the forums I have are Announcements, General Discussion. I want to lock the announcements forum so that only super users can post and I want the general discussion forum open so that registered users can post. Right now registered users can post to any forum.

Also, what about making a post a sticky at the top of the category?
Max_admin 17 Oct, 2013
Hi Joey,

To make a topic sticky, just open the topic's page and use the dropdown at the bottom to make it sticky or set it as an "announcement".

Regarding the "Forums permissions", under the "settings" area, the "general" tab, you don;t have a "Forum permissions" setting ? if yes then please send me a screenshot.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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