is there some documentation on how to translate the component to another language? I need to translate it to swedish.
Hi spehe,
You can find the language files under this path:
Please create your own translation folder following the same folder structure and files names, please pay attention to the class name inside the .php file.
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
The localisation structure doesn't seem to be very kosher. Any plans on making them all .ini files in a near future and putting the Frontend strings into a Language>>com_chronoforum folder?
Hi Amema,
No plans for this at the moment, we can move in that way if there is a need for it, why do you think this should be better ?
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Hi Moderator,
First of all, the front-end localisation files are in:
In \administrator\components\com_chronoforums\chronoforums\locales\ one will find the files for localising the back-end.
The structure Joomla uses, putting all localisation files inside a folder named /language.
Why the localisation files should moved into the core language folder?
1. Because it is easier for newbies to understand where to go to find files that need translation.
2. Because it is easier for saavy users to remember where to go to find files that need translation (or overrides).
3. Because users can take advantage of the core override feature to improve translations. (I just did!)
4. Because users can take advantage of an extension called Localise that helps people translate the core and extensions.
5. Because people won't waste precious time googling for an answer to find this post (This is the 3rd time I come here, because I forgot where the files were)
I hope this answers your question.
Now I learned I need to jot down where the ChronoForum localisation files are.