
Email Core Action problems in Joomla 3.1

arvendal 17 Sep, 2013

I'm creating a website with Joomla 3.1.
I'm not able to get the Email Core Action to work in Joomla 3.1. The normal action doesn't send any mesages.
I have a v 2.5 website running with Chronoforms and this core action and no problem occur. There it works just fine.

But on the Joomla 3.1 website the GH Custom Email Action works instead!

The problem is that I would like to have different recipients for different issues and I've been looking at this FAQ: But as far as I know I need the core action, not the custom action, to get this FAQ to work.

So the situation so far: The custom action gives me the function to send each form to a specific recipient, thus I need to create different forms for each issue. But I would like to have something like the FAQ described above. Are there any alternative way to achieve this with the custom action?

And are there any recorded problems with the Email Core Action an Joomla 3.1?

Best regards
GreyHead 17 Sep, 2013
Hi arvendal,

You should be OK with the Email [GH] action. The difference is that you need to use {email_to_use} with the {} in the To Email box.

Unlike the standard action, the Email [GH] action will accept a mixture of static and dynamic addresses in the same box and uses curly brackets to identify values coming from form inputs. (You can also use arrays and comma separated lists from form inputs.)

arvendal 18 Sep, 2013
Thanks! Now I'll try to implement this feature.

Just another question concerning the FAQ

When I use the options of the field "Recipients" (radio box) to generate a subject in the mail message (to let the recipient know what issue it is about) I get the left side of the expression as an input, for example "em1=My first choice" will input "em1" as value in the generated subject. Is it possible to get "My first choice" instead?
No big issue, but it would provide a more user friendly message in languages that uses extended characaters (like mine, Swedish).

Best regards,
arvendal 18 Sep, 2013
Sorry, one more question since it didn't work at first attempt:

In the FAQ the input value is "color" but what would be the equivalent in the FAQ "Recipient" or "recipients"?
And do I put the PHP in a separate Custom Code? Before or after the "different-email-PHP"?

Probably silly questions, but I am a half-wit when it comes to PHP.🙂

Best regards
GreyHead 18 Sep, 2013
Hi arvendal,

I think that you need to use the name of the input in both cases. But as one of the FAQs use both recipients (for the input) and recipient (for the selected input) I'm not quite sure what the question is.

Probably the best think is to try it and see. As long as you are consistent the code should work OK.

arvendal 18 Sep, 2013
OK. Thanks!
Inconsistency in my code is probably the issue.

Best regards
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