
Building a basic articles list

FloB 12 Sep, 2013
I've tried this FAQ, but can't have the sortable title working.
I've got the title link but when I click on it, the table disappears and I've got this message : "There is no connection with this name or may be the connection is not published, Please check the available connections in the Connections Manager."
The url looks like that : site_domain/component/chronoconnectivity/cc_sort_data?Itemid=&orderfld=title&orderdrc=asc

Can someone help me please?

Max_admin 20 Oct, 2013
Hi FloB,

This is very late but I have just noticed this message, if you have SEF ON then please make sure hat you are testing the connection through a menu item of type CC, otherwise a conflict occurs when the sorting links are accessed.

ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
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