
Problems with Datetimepicker

Xzerod 04 Sep, 2013
first, thanks for this really fantastic component & the great support here.

For my problem i found some faq's and other threads but actually, i can't fix my problem...

I use Datetimepicker with default (by MonkeyPhysics). In most cases, when i choosed my date in the calenderpicker and the timepicker appears, i can't change the time. In these cases, i can only click anywhere in the timepickerform, the date (i choosed before) changes and after this, i can set my time. But without the right date, it's useless.

For me, it seems that the calendarpicker is still in front of the timepicker (i tested this for some clicks and everytime, the date changed to the date, that used to be on the place in the calender).

Following the FAQ, i should add a load css action including

div.datepicker_dashboard {
  z-index: 10000 !important;

I also tested the new Mootools Datepicker with all three styles and checked/unchecked Validation options "required" and "point to clone". In Frontend, the problem above got solved and it works fine to the point i want to store my data to database. First problem is, that everytime, i choosed my date & time and a value is required, the tooltip "obligatisches Feld" appears and does not close but there is a value in the filed like "2013-09-03 11:54:23". The second problem is, that the datetime in this field isn't saved to database.

what's wrong?
GreyHead 04 Sep, 2013
Hi Xzerod,

If I understand correctly you are now using the MooTools DatePicker? Id so the I think that in the Validation Required should be Checked and Point to Clone unchecked.

Please post a link to the form so I can take a quick look.

RobP 16 Sep, 2013
I have some strange problems with the Data/Time picker.

If I use the Datetime Picker on the form and Custom Mootools Datepicker in the Actions, with the same Class, I get a double Datepicker (overlapping)

Also changing Decades works in Firefox but not in IE 10
Both in Joomla 3.11 and Joomla 2.5.14

GreyHead 21 Sep, 2013
Hi Rob,

The double datepicker is a bug when you use a custom class* :-( The fix is to create the datepicker using a standard text input element and add your custom class to it.

This may also fix the 'decade' problem . . .


* The standard datepicker class is left in place and so you get two date-pickers attached.
RobP 24 Sep, 2013
Hi Bob,

That works! Thanks
It needs the Mootools datapicker (you have to select it first in the general tab)

In IE 10 it works only in compatible mode not in the standard mode.

medaacek 28 Nov, 2013
I got some trouble recently after the IE at our institute was updated to 9.0 version - with the old version datetimepicker was working fine, Now I cannot call the picker by clicking into the text field nor can I manually write the date into the text filed which makes the users unable to request given days upon booking.
It all works fine with firefox and it used to work with older version of IE. Do you know how to fix this? I use MonkeyPhysics datetimepicker.

Here is the form link:

Many thanks!

GreyHead 28 Nov, 2013
Hi Jiri,

I've just found that IE11 doesn't have an IE9 emulation mode so I have to install a virtual PC to test. I can confirm that the calendar works OK in IE11. You might try pushing the form age back to IE8 emulation mode. Please see this FAQ.

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