
Form works, but not when placed on a page.

GreyHead 30 Aug, 2013
Hi psasso,

I can't even see the form or the site from the link you posted. It gives a 404 error which suggests that your SEF URL isn't linked to the article.

psasso 30 Aug, 2013
Sorry. Bad idea.

Below are the actual links.

I got them to show, but submit doesn't take you to a thank you page when embedded on a page...

(ALSO, is the narrow field width a CSS issue that I need to fix on my template?)

Working form:

Working "Thank You" auto page:

Doesn't work when on a page(Under membership join/dues):


GreyHead 30 Aug, 2013
Hi psasso,

The simplest answer is to use the form URL and not embed a form in an article when there is no article content.

Please try setting Relative URL to No on the form General tab (click the name link in the Forms Manager to see it).

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